
There's been a helluva lot going on in the last several months since the Dark Empire attempted to invade Coruscant. The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order have been rebuilding, and judging from my recent visit, the Jedi Temple looks like it's been restored. It was good to see that the Order has recuperated. While I don't consider myself a part of the Order, it still holds dear to my heart for all that they've done for me and the friends that I've made. I did actually meet someone new on Coruscant, a Jedi girl called Teynara. She was nice, but I still can't believe she thought I was one of the Masters. Hardly!

On the other hand, I've been keeping busy with the Tingel Arm Coalition. We've been reaching out across the Tingel Arm, as well as the mouth of Outer Rim Worlds, as we try to gain allies and build our military power up in anticipation of the fight against the Empire of the Lost (The Imperials in our sector of the Outer Rim). While no one's mentioned the Sith Order, they are also not far from Imperial space and everyone knows they walk a similar path. If we manage to drive back the Imps from the Outer Rim, I've wondered if we'll eventually find ourselves fighting the Sith.

I still wonder what my tutors would make of us preparing for war. As hard as I try to avoid it, there's going to come a time when I'm forced to take someone's life. So far, I've been lucky the worst I've done is cut off someone's hand to disarm them. The sight of that was enough to still be able to visualize it. Actually, killing someone, though, I want to hope that it can be avoided, but the amount of Jedi, particularly Padawan, that I've spoken to, well, a lot of them have been forced to kill to protect themselves and others. I don't like to think about it. I can't imagine trying to justify the killing of another. Ugh, screw it. I'll worry about it if it happens.

I have met someone new! Much cooler news. Iona Starchaser has jumped on board as my co-pilot for the Liberty's Edge. It's almost like we've got an actual crew, what with Luna and Chip helping us out when they're not playing together. Iona's pretty awesome I gotta admit. She's chill and despite tripping over Luna and Chip when we first met, they get along with her well. The more we hang out, the more I enjoy working alongside her. Hopefully, the feelings are mutual.

Hurikane's doing well, and I think I may have mentioned it already in a previous entry, but we got the Jedi Temple up and running again. Also, the Nest regularly sees our rebel forces stopping to refuel and resupply before heading out to other worlds in need. I'm happy to see that it's being used so much rather than just being an empty dig-out that I'm living in. The live in the base is great and I'm starting to get to know a lot of our people a lot more. They're always surprised by my being an Aquilian Ranger though, saying how young I am. I guess that means I'm doing a good job. I've gotta be considering there's not a lot of us Rangers out there at the moment.

Actually, that reminds me, I managed to track down Nouqai Veil, and she's been spending time with the Tingel Arm Coalition. I'm still not entirely convinced she's happy though. She still talks about the Lightsworn like they did her a favour, but I can't help but feel she regrets turning away from the Sith. It's weird that I'm not happy about that, but at the end of the day, I want her to be wherever she feels she belongs. Not listening to what other people want her to be doing.

As for today, I'm about to head out to Celestia Station. I got a crazy holo-call out of the blue, a private investigator of some sort working for someone named Judah Dashiell. Apparently they have some sort of information about my parents and where I come from. They're only seventeen years late, right? Long after I've left the Jedi and made a life for myself. Honestly, I think it's a load of bullchit, some sort of trap that I'm probably walking into. The Lightsworn put my name on their chit-list and there's also the Sith friends of Nouqai's that I've pissed off. I learned long ago not to get my hopes up for some fairytale reunion so I'm gearing up and going in armed just in case it's anything more than a hoax.

I guess I'll update this thing when I know more.

Peace, from the past!