
Naboo Ceremony Hall

She had been studying, practicing, and making mental notes for her step into the noble lineage her grandmother had left behind her so many years ago. The pink skinned girl carried the blood of one of the branches of the Ee’everwest families and by some right had claim to her grandmother's titles as last of her line. Something that had never been mentioned by her parents, or her grandmother directly.

Perhaps to avoid a life of trouble should it be revealed. But that was the majority of her life at times. Trouble of some variety either by her own hand or due to circumstances well and truly outside of her control.

Or at least that was what she had told herself.

The robe that had been made for her covered her shoulders, only splitting at her stomach to offer a reprieve of any pressure there. In the color of the sky above Naboo as a reminder of the freedom she should seek to preserve in others. The Aureus name after all was one that had been made to ensure the safety of everyone, including those with far less noble status than those that had lifted the Zeltron from her meager upbringing.

The dull gray of her shirt and pants acting as a sign of humility in service to those around her and to be mindful of allowing her noble lineage to cloud her thoughts. Though that worry was far from her mind given how much disdain she held for those with power and the inability to do much except preserve that power.

The final piece of her ensemble being the hair ties of the Aureus Emblem that hung above each shoulder. Bobbing in place and gently reminding her of their presence as she walked with careful steps to the front of the room. Her hair tightly braided behind her head with two separate strands pulled from the sides to hang at each shoulder.

She was growing fond of the style that Briana had introduced her to. Even finding someone with the talent to keep it neatly done without much fuss, and the willingness to come to the Aureus estate while she was to remain off her feet. This being one of the few exceptions within the families limits given the need.

All eyes on her for the time being as the whispers faded into silence behind her. Nobles of different houses eyeing her with wonder or disdain at the newest face to grace the noble halls.

The priest went about the ritual as she had learned from the naming day of the Sal-Soren children. And all was a blur to her as she let herself move automatically.

The priest placed his thumb into a small pottle of silver paint and bid her to kneel. It took a moment of concentrated effort to remain graceful given the growing belly she bore. Another topic of discussion between those who were present to observe with little else to give attention to. Her records were public, and her propensity for brash action along with troublesome outcomes plainly spoke for her. The wonder of how far she could drag a noble name down drifting across the open air as the priest let his voice rise above the barely there whispers.

“By Shiraya's Eye, I grant you the blessings of the Colo Claw Fish.

Patience in the face of adversity.

Passion in the protection of life.

Ingenuity through times of strife.

All shall be thine, Successor of your line.

May your heart blaze with the fire of a thousand suns, yet be tempered by the wisdom of ages.

May the depth of your spirit be as unfathomable as the waters of Varykino, and your convictions as unyielding as the storms tide.

I name thee, Lossa Ontara Aureus, architect of legacies to come.”

The priest spoke his final words. "May you bring favor and prosperity to their family, and earn the esteem, praise, and heart of the people, their Naboo. I present Lossa Ontara Aureus.”

Another might have made a quick ascent from the kneeling position. Lossa however allowed herself a moment to gather the air she needed before making the move to stand. Thankful that her skin color was able to mostly hide the flush of effort across her features. It was getting harder to move anymore, and even the effort of not taking long, arcing strides had winded her enough to want to be free of this place.

The ritual completed and those present allowed to roam now, she sought out her cousins. Her steps not nearly carrying her as far as she wished as she moved to find their positions within the mingling crowds.

"Good grief. I've gonna. Fix that later." Muttered under each breath that broke up her words.
