
“Come on! Come on!” Ko excitedly exclaimed to his uncle, Xojo. The little Kel Dor practically skipped off the hover train after it entered the station within the heart of Dor’Shan, the capital city of Dorin. The older Kel Dor looking after the young apprentice let out a heavy and tired sigh. Having been deeply troubled by recent events regarding their family. Despite being the elder and wiser of the two, it was Ko who seemed more preoccupied with living in the moment and enjoying it.

Today was a special day and Xojo had promised to go to the event with Ko. He could at least be happy that his nephew had taken a liking now to their instructions, enough to want to be here at the Annuel tea ceremony on Dor’Shan.

After scurrying off ahead some Ko looked back at his Uncle slowly following from behind. Easily able to tell them apart from all the other adults around given the two of them were the only ones draped in Baran Do robes. “Ack! Hurry, I wanna try them all!” The small child cried out before rushing back to Xojo to clutch his robes tightly in his claws and start trying to drag his much bigger uncle along with him.

Xojo however, didn’t mind Ko tugging and pulling at him. Hoping that all the extra extension will tire out the boy and allow them to be done here sooner.

Eventually the pair of sages made it to where the event was taking place. The streets were lined with various tents, vendors, and tourists from all around the planet. It was wonderful and nothing could ruin the moment for the young apprentice. Like Ko said he wanted to try out all the many blends and brews being shared here today. Ko even made sure that he wouldn’t lose track of his gloomy uncle by tightly holding his hand as he continued to pull him along through the crowd. Ko was so immersed in the present that he paid no mind to a large colorful mural that they walked past. An imposing piece of art depicting a pair of clawed, four fingered hands ripping apart a tattered and dirty imperial flag…

. . .

902 ABY

Xojo had been feeling sentimental lately. A new feeling that was beginning to mix into the mixed emotions he felt in his typical drunken stupors. He pulled himself from the Vuto estate to Dor’Shan for the current annual tea ceremony. Feeling oddly inspired now to see if he could find a nice blend of tea that might appeal to his nephew’s more developed and mature pallet. Now that Dorin was within the Galactica Alliance’s sphere of influence many more off-worlders were here. Something that was actually a bit moving to the typically standoffish Kel Dor.

Dorin as a planet was very out of the way for most galactic travelers. Often overlooked by the wider galaxy for its precarious placement in the cosmos. Not to mention its inhospitable atmosphere and the uncomely inhabitants. Yet some chose to take time out of their lives to be here, and to Xojo he found that rather nice.

Currently he stood at a vendor who was selling hard tea blends. Beverages for the more adult shoppers and tourists here. Something Xojo himself felt he could use right about now… But he was here for a reason. He still had to find Ko a gift. Perhaps once he did he could come back for this later to enjoy. But for now, the former Sage gently turned away from the vendor.