Ever since Suhara Villow's call to revolution and the revolt of 901 ABY, larger and larger numbers of Chantemerians have joined her army-in-exile as she prepares to return to her homeworld. While incredibly diverse, this popular front of revolutionaries is united under three things: the flag of the Chantemer People's Liberation Army, recognition of Suhara Villow as Supreme Commander for the duration of the revolution, and the overthrow of the dictator Olivier Poutine. This diversity has led to several political parties and groups of thoughts to emerge within the CPLA, each vying for control over Chantemer's future after the Olivier Poutine is eventually deposed.

Despite disagreements, co-operation and non-violence between these groups are currently maintained.


New Vanguard Party

Olivier Poutine may be the son of Olan Poutine - the man who founded the Vanguard Party and began the century of dictatorship - but many who subscribe to the New Vanguard Party's ideals believe that he has fallen short of his father's ideals. They seek to overthrow the traitorous son and restore the Vanguard Party to its glory days under Olan. These followers, called neo-Vanguardists, aim to establish a totalitarian system of utilitarianism within Chantemer. Within this system, Chantemer's population would be turned into a strictly structured society in which every sector functions in harmony with the goals of the state. However, they reject Olivier's corporatism and see him as having sold Chantemer to the Galactic Alliance. To correct this, they seek to establish a nationalist autarky in Chantemer that would see the world totally isolate itself from Galactic affairs once more. This would all be overseen by a Vanguard Party ruling alone.

The New Vanguard party is currently disliked by nearly all other members in the CPLA. However, their contribution of frontline special force to the would make expelling them an unacceptable loss.


Despite using Villow's name, the Supreme Commander has rejected any association with this group. Villowism holds three foundational bases that under no circumstances can be deviated from: Republicanism, Statism, and Civic Nationalism.

They believe that once Olivier Poutine is overthrown, a Republican System must be implemented, inspired by the Old Republic. This Republican System would be highly centralized though it maintains that democracy and its institutions must be respected above all.

Their Statists Ideals would see Chantemer enter an autarky and a planned economy not too dissimilar to neo-Vangaurdists, though some Villowists interpret a more mixed economy. There is also a controversial side of Statism when it comes to the matter of a Chantemer Nation. They believe that the entire Chantemer system should be united under a single nation-state. The historic independent mining town colonies would be eliminated. Their cultures would no doubt be forcefully erased through assimilation.

Civic Nationalism also plays a major part in Villowism. Despite their controversial views when it comes to Statism, Villowists strongly believe in the rights of all citizens regardless of class or species. This foundation has attracted a large number of Chantemerian minorities that have seen historic discrimination despite what the Poutine Regime claims. It is a travesty for any citizen of a great Chantemer Nation to be found wanting for essentials, so Villowists seek to establish a welfare system where education and healthcare would be free.

In terms of foreign policy, Villowists wish to expand relations with the outer galaxy but maintain armed neutrality. Any dealings with outside powers should always prioritize Chantemer as the primary benefactor.


Sync-Immediatists are strongly against any form of corporate power and centralisation. Instead, they advocate not only the abolition of corporations but for a decentralized structure of governance based on labor unions and people's assemblies. They believe these Labor Unions would more effectively maintain the working class's interests and allow the common person more weight in an egalitarian and participatory system. A federal economic organization of society replacing the government would be essential to ensure that this would function. With these ideals fulfilled, Sync-Immediatists claim that they will be able to best manifest the collective will of the people, serving as the purest form of democracy and freedom.

These ideals have placed them in strong opposition with neo-Vanguardists whom Sync-Immediatists see as traitors to the revolution against the monarchy. It's also caused friction with Villowists, who see Sync-Immediatists as dangerous radicals who would endanger the sanctity of the Chantemerian Nation. There's also been criticism that while this is a very pure form of democracy, it isn't the most practical and could leave Chantemer vulnerable to outside threats.