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On Racism At Chaos

My usual mode of operation is to bury our head in the sand, tell my colleagues to "not bring unwarranted attention to the issue", given my position and desire to keep Chaos and Staff apolitical.

....but some things wear on you. If you're looking for solace or comfort, or even good leadership, hit the back arrow please.

We live in a world of labels. Milennials, Zoomers, Boomers, Gatekeeping, LGBT, White, Black - on and on. Right now my Facebook is filled to the brim of people including #blacklivesmatter, #alllivesmatter, changing their profile pictures to support whatever endeavor they support, focusing on looters to back their arguments, or focusing on feel good protestor stories to back the opposite point of view. It all... feels a bit fake, to me. It echoes the same sentiment we Americans have on social media every time a kid dies at a mass shooting. "Oh, that's terrible, better go change my profile pic." It's all identity driven, it's all virtue signalling. It's all more labels. It's all about me, me, me.

So, here's all about me, me, me. I'm a white guy in his early 30's now. I was born in Oxford, Mississippi. For you non-Americans, that's what we call "the dirty South". My grandparents were from Alabama and South Carolina. Yeah, my fellow Southerners are probably already painting this picture to conclusion. My grandfather served in the Navy during WWII - my dad put himself through college at USC by scraping nickels together at a gas station in the 70's. My family was pretty nuclear - I had a good upbringing, for the most part.

They were all pretty relaxed with dropping racial slurs at the dinner table. Y'know, those private moments we don't discuss, those words we can't say.

And that's just how it was. I don't think it came from a place of hate - and it never interfered with my childhood, as I had several children my age of different skin tones and colors come play at our house, or spend the night. Most people love their families, unconditionally. These people are your family, you often only get one. And it's not like I was living in this fear, this grip of terror that my old man would go running off my friends from school or say awful things. It was just there, on occasion. Enough to notice, sparse enough that you just shrug it off. But as you age and grow, you learn these thoughts in their heads.

We know racism is wrong. But you can see how this problem becomes diluted quickly in a family such as my own. My grandfather was a @#$%ing hero, man. He survived a kamikaze attack early in the war. This man was one of a million reasons why I'm alive, and why our country even has it's freedom to carry this hatred. And... I can only assume many of you suffer through similar circumstances or situations in your own personal lives, regarding these issues. I can only imagine what a man goes through who's blessed with different pigments in his skin. I've had a lifetime to imagine it, because I know what happens on my side of the fence... and I can only imagine an equal and opposite force of hatred, of shame, of fear and regret occurs on yours.

So what is there to do? I think my personality, my attitude isn't well equipped to really lead in that department. I have absolutely no clue. I know during my time serving in the U.S. Navy, exposure to other cultures and humans erodes those feelings and offers zero "safe spaces" for racial divisiveness - and it's generally accepted that better education can distill that sort of hatred as well. But I don't think there's any definitive cure-all.

But I do know this.

Any man or woman who uses those racial slurs to disparage those of a different color or tone of skin, regardless of their reasoning, connections, or popularity - they're losers. If they deserve anything at all, it's to be pitied.

No matter the meme, no matter the troll, no matter how big a smile they wear.

They're losers, and it's likely they've been losing for quite some time.

I don't know who George Floyd was. I don't know what he did. I don't have the facts nor any evidence. But I do know the punishment shouldn't have been public asphyxiation.

Stay safe, and be kind to each other.

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
- President Lyndon B. Johnson
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I think the first thing that needs to be replied is a big thank you: a thank you to your grandfather for fighting for our country, and thank you for serving. I would like to too assume that you did your time in the Navy to honor your grandfather, which would be awesome if so. My own grandfather was in the Navy during Vietnam, though he never saw the fight first hand, he served as a cook.

I, being from Florida, understand where much of where your family roots come from. Granted, I don't think some of my members of the family actually meant half of what they said as a serious tone, I do know that sometimes the tone was a bit more on the side of the wrong. I know that in my youth I too have been on that wrong side of prejudice, but as you said, education changed my tone.

I don't have a side to defend in any of this other than my own, what with all things going on. I have my own family to take care of, and I simply don't have time to be on either or side other than the side of what's right.

I do my part by teaching my kids that interracial marriage, relationships and everything in-between is nothing bad, that anyone of a different color is no different than them, and everyone deserves a layer of respect. I cant say I understand what it's like to be a different color and the trials it brings. I can, tell you that I have been harassed by officers of the law, wrongly put in the back of the car. I once got in a small accident where my car bumped another (no damage) and the officer wrote me a ticket that said I hit, and killed a person, than ran off. So I can say I understand to an extent what some of the people are feeling. But I've never felt the need to do anything about it, mainly because what can I do? What should I do? I don't have the mentality of leader, either, least in this sense.

This all sucks, in the end, every single bit of it.

I think you've said it best, though, Tef.

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