
I am not a hero.

The importance of that word must be made clear, for what kind of hero allows such a sickness fester deep within my home planet? I would only sully and denigrate such a title of 'Hero'.

A true hero delves into the darkness, even if filled with the uncomfortable truth that lays there in waiting. From a bygone Imperial age, Empress Teta found itself absorbed with terrible rulers and practices. Nobility fascinated with blood magiks and ancient Sith arts. Our dark past continues to claw and scratch. . . waiting for a blind eye, for the darkness to provide it cover to attack.

Twice Empress Teta has been invaded, and twice we have fallen thanks to my failures to address the ugly past. A test I continue to fail and a past I cannot shake off of us.

I am the sum of all my actions, I have been weighed and found wanting.

I am not a hero. But you can be.

Fight against the encroaching darkness, do not allow yourself to fall into despair. Push back against the fear with your dream of a better Empress Teta. A future my father died fighting for. . . a future so many others are still fighting for. . .

My father told me that anyone who sacrifices themselves do so with fear, doubt and insecurity. How can anyone not? But when it is time for the Hero to face death, they do so with faith. Faith in those they are sacrificing for, my father had faith in all of you. In the same way I have faith in you, I continue to fight because of that faith in all of you who are listening. Fight on, fight hard.


Weeks after the fall of Cinnagar, Damian Du Couteau pushes his people to resist the Dark Empire. This message was sent by the Local Holonews into the homes of every Tetan willing to read and hear, the young Du Couteau heir hopes beyond hope their liberation is soon at hand. By their own hand.