Submission from the Office of Lady Madelyn Lowe to the The Assembly - Establishment of Order
Esteemed members of this august body, I am pleased to have been afforded the chance to advocate for the passing of the Establishment of Order Bill. Much has been written about this, but I wish to focus on the comments of my renowned colleague, Darth Malum, and provide some thoughts of my own.
To summarise, the honourable Dark Councillor's arguments against this proposed legislation constitute the following: that it constitutes needless bureaucratization, that it is too ambitious a reform, and that the creation of a parallel intelligence apparatus is a mistake.
Respectfully, this is not the case. Either Malum is mistaken, or he seeks to mislead you.
First, Lord Malum bemoans the notion that the Empire requires yet more bureaucracy. He is right that our institutions are bloated, wasteful. But, he misunderstands this bill. The proposed Ministry is but a cane, a tool to correct the posture of a government that is languishing. Yes, this will require the creation of Government departments, but these will oversee, and I hope replace, the corrupt and inefficient Judges and Tribunes who have allowed enemies of the Empire to thrive under their watch. Darth Malum himself has advocated for reform of our judicial sector. To me, Governors and Councillors, it seems he is just displeased he will not be the one to lead it.
He seeks to eschew the virtue of order because it inconveniences him. This may suit his aspirations in the short term, but he ignores the dangers metastasizing in our Empire's dark corners at his peril. Governors, councilors. He did not witness Bastion burning. Cast your minds back, and ask yourselves what the boy-king could possibly know of ruin.
The inadequacies of our system are not due to some generation-spanning perfidious rot that has infected every Empire. No, it is much more banal. Disloyalty, mismanagement, criminal cabals. Lord Malum has publicly stated his intention to eliminate the criminals who threaten the Empire's stability, and yet he would blunt his own sword by pushing for a state security apparatus over which he is the sole controller. I ask that the good people of the Assembly consider the risk of such an arrangement. Even Darth Malum himself appears to recognise that stretching the institution of the Tsis'Kaar to cover "the very duties which this bill seeks" is unwise. But, his writings seek to make you fearful. There is no plan to pluck the Tsis'Kaar from their beds and place them in judges robes and prison guard's uniforms. Let us leave that to the good Imperials who serve that role now.
Perhaps Darth Malum should consider divesting himself from the realms of justice and Imperial law, and return to his true calling, to the business of the Tsis'kaar. That is, exterminating disobedient Sith.
I implore the wise and just members of this body to vote in favour of this bill.
Madelyn Lowe