
Holonet stations across the galaxy would come to life with news of the battle of Woostri. After many weeks, the Galactic Alliance had been pushed off world, leaving nothing but corpses behind them. Images of the destruction caused by the Mors Mon, its monolithic shadow blocking the Sun for miles, and more trickled through news feeds. Bars went quiet, celebrations brought to a halt, and all in the Galaxy watched as the Mors Mon continued its inexorable march on the Core.​
Within the Empire, the dichotomy of celebration contrasted perfectly with what the Galaxy felt. The Sith Emperor, Darth Empyrean, Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith'ari, Dead God, and so many other titles, had proven his mettle against the Alliance and its fleets once more. Destruction had been left in his wake, but Woostri had been spared the worst of it - they held the potential for infrastructure that could support the growing police state of the Empire. Already, Sith-Imperial Engineering Corps had been deployed to rebuild the world while Tsis'kaar, Ministry of Order, and Sepulchral forces were crafting a world of perfect obedience.​
The Mors Mon marched onwards and Woostri was given no time to mourn its destruction.​
To the Galaxy, a message would be heard from Darth Meritum Darth Meritum ;​
"To those who doubt us still;
We have burned your worlds, killed your people, and pushed your greatest warriors from planet after planet. The Sith do not yield, they do not tire, and we will not stop. This is the nature of our Will, and it is through this Will that the Galaxy shall be freed of its ignorance. Know that the battle today, the battle yesterday, and all before it were only the beginning. Tomorrow, there will be more blood, more destruction, more death.
However, this will not be uniform. The Empire offers amnesty to all who prove themselves, who renounce their allegiances, and join the Sith. We are cruel to our enemies, but to our people - we are liberators. Know us for what we are: Inexorable. It is better to die fighting for truth, than waste your life fighting for nothing."​
This message would be banned, restricted across the channels, and multiple governments would cease holonet operations in week long blackouts to keep the message from appearing. This was only the beginning, the Sith said, and tomorrow would mean another death. The Galaxy mourned the loss of life Empyrean had caused, but they feared what was to come. Something worse... A scar the Galaxy could not forget.​