

Written from the desk of Darth Malum, Leader of the Imperial Party.
Recently a proposal was brought forward to my desk, which I imagine you have all read by now, Darth Arcanix's so-called Establishment of Order Act, is an intriguing document, in the place that one wonders what the purpose of it is. If bureaucratisation is desired, then it is a bill which holds it in spades, it creates a Ministry of Order and a so-called Sith Bureau of Security that assumedly would leave the Judicial Pillar, other Ministries regarding the subject and the Tsis'Kaar moot, all the while enacting construction for unnecessary and wasteful projects when the Tsis'Kaar, Pillar, and other Ministries already are beginning campaigns against the dissidents within the Empire. The bill would seem to imply that we are ought without a judicial system at all, such one is created and furnished with judges and magistrates that we can only assume spawned from the aether. Of course, the Empire has a judicial system, one which requires reform, attempting to replace it wholesale without proper planning or implementation lackadaisically, simply invites disaster, as we already teeter.

The bill calls for the construction of additional prisons, which is not a matter which much concerns me, indeed there might be a need for them, even with whole prison worlds like Belsavis and Adras serving, yet, this may be the only piece of the bill which holds water. We have a judicial system, we have judges, magistrates, bureaucrats and enforcers, why then was this bill made? Made without consideration or communication with those perhaps best suited in providing advice on the reforms they would wish to see implemented for the benefit of the Empire?

I believe the manifest intention of the bill reveals itself upon its sixth point, the establishment of the Sith Bureau of Security, if you are as confused as I am at what such an organisation would do, I do not fault you, for after all, do we not have security apparatus already in place that is called the Tsis'Kaar that would be enacting the very duties which this bill seeks for them to implement? Would Tsis'Kaar operatives be reassigned from their duties, to attempt to bring this experiment into a barely workable state, abandoning their posts, for which they have loyally and dutifully served, inviting chaos to emerge from their wake?

I cannot in good conscience speak to the intentions of Darth Arcanix, but from my read, this bill is unnecessary, and indeed, it would read to me, as I imagine it would read to many of you, as a specific effort to bring political manoeuvres into the realm of law and order, as we sit upon the precipice of executing certain operations, to weaken at this critical juncture, seems entirely a mistake.

I call upon all Governors of the Assembly, I call upon all members of the Imperial Party to vote no on this bill.
