Despite their defeat at Tython, the Galactic Alliance has remained defiant, unwilling to accept the inevitability of their defeat. From diplomatic tours to festival celebrations they have remained ignorant to the truth, selling their lies of “Protection” and “Economic Benefits” in order to lure more worlds into their sinking ship. As such it is up to the Empire to remind the Alliance of the folly of their actions and of their inevitable defeat.
With the Dark Empire’s latest acquisition of the planet of Corsin within the Expansion Region, the stage is set for a renewed Imperial offensive against the Alliance now that the Dark Empire has gained access to the Hydian Way through Corsin.
As such the Imperial Navy has established a blockade over Corsin, shutting down all trade flowing through the planet with instructions given to Imperial Warships to seize any ships that attempt to pass through the system regardless of affiliation. Furthermore in order to block any attempts to circumvent the blockade, the Imperial Navy has extended its patrols into the Vaathkree Trade Corridor with all traffic to be suspended at once lest any passing ships wish to face destruction at the hands of the Empire.
May this be a reminder to the Alliance and to all those who continue to oppose the Empire. No matter how hard you try, you can never avoid Imperial Judgement.