
What was supposed to be the beginning of a great counter-offensive for the Galactic Alliance to "liberate" the Deep Core, has ended in a rout. Their attempt to reclaim the so-called “holy world” of the Jedi has failed, their fleets scattered and their armies destroyed. In the face of both the Alliance and their Jedi lackeys, the Dark Empire held their ground overcoming Jedi Strike Teams and the massive Fleets and Armies of the GADF, ensuring the continuation of Imperial rule over Tython for years to come.

Even as Chancellor Alicio Organa takes the mantle of leadership rising as the Alliance’s supposed symbol of hope, the Empire stands strong ready to strike back at the Alliance and see to it that their plague shall be extinguished from the Core Worlds.

With the Alliance suffering two successive defeats against both the Sith Order and the Dark Empire, the message is loud and clear. Their days are numbered and it will only be a matter of time before their light is permanently extinguished from the galaxy once and for all. The Empire is coming for the rest of the Core, and its people would do best to prepare to welcome their future Imperial overlords instead of resisting the inevitability of a restored Imperial Core.