
Securing Peace and Order for YOU!


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Join the Empire of the Lost today!

The Empire of the Lost, or simply The Empire, is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnants who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to the galaxy. They have their capital on Lianna, a large ecumenopolis in the Outer Rim, and are ruled by an Emperor or Empress with a Moff Council.


Opportunities With the Empire


Imperial Navy, Starfighter Corps, and Imperial Paragons
Do you wish to see the stars from the bridge of a ship or in the seat of a cockpit? If so, then the Imperial Navy is right for you! Serve as a Captain on an invulnerable Star Destroyer, or become a Pilot and see the stars with your wingmen and wingwomen. Is serving as a crew member on a ship not your cup of caf? Do you like the idea of boarding disabled vessels and securing victory from the inside? Then join the ranks of the Paragons, an elite marine corps composed of some of the roughest-toughest leathernecks out there.

Imperial Army, and the Stormtrooper Corps
Do you like stepping off a landing craft to feel the ground beneath your boots? If you do, then the Armies of the Empire are right for you! Join the Imperial Army as a vanguard and push through the opposition or join the elite ranks of the Stormtrooper Corps and fight with superior training and tactics. Or do you think you have what it takes to be part of the best of the best and join the Imperial Army "Bullfrog" Company? Enlist today!

New Imperial Security Bureau and The Immortals
Do the flashy ships and weapons of the Army and Navy bore you? Do you wish to have a more clandestine approach to solving the Empire's problems? Then the New Imperial Security Bureau, or NISB, might be for you! Join as a member of the NISB and fight off threats both external and internal to the Empire. Or do you wish to add a little more danger into your life, then you might look to join the Immortals.

Force Wielding Organizations
Are you a force-wielder? Don't worry because we have opportunities for you too. The New Imperial Inquisitorius is a highly trained clandestine group that deals with locating ancient and powerful Sith or Jedi artifacts, and eliminating force-sensitive entities whose actions are deemed hazardous to imperial rule. Not your style? Then the Imperial Crusaders migh be a fit for you. Being the spearhead of the Imperial forces, they fight for the Empire against all enemies who would be an opposing force to the Empire's ideals of peace and order.

Imperial Auxila
Do you want to work for the Empire, but not be a part of its larger military organizations? Then the Imperial Auxila is for you. Working as a force of privateers and mercenaries employed by the Empire, you'll be paid handsomely and it'll be sure to increase your reputation among other mercenary circles.​
