
[Dossier: Elim Thorne]
Petty Criminal, independant
Threat level: Low

Tags: Ufsa'ynth'aris
Elim Thorne is a low-level opportunist who has done work for a variety of different factions and entities. He's been involved with smuggling, espionage, blackmail (rare), and theft, but seems to avoid violence and consistent group affiliations. He has associates in a number of different systems. Current whereabouts: Korriban, possibly on behalf of Jedi Master Lao-ta.

[Name] Elim Thorne
[Aliases] Darrow Thorne, Marcus Grieg, Omar Baize
[Pronouns] He/him

[Species] Human; possible Kiffar ancestry
[Gender] Male
[Height] 178 cm
[Weight] 77 - 80 kg
[Eyes] Brown
[Hair] Dark Brown
[Skin] Light
[Build] Slender
[Distinguishing Features] 5cm raised scar, left elbow, exterior; blaster burn, triangular, 8cm, lower right calf

[Parents] Unknown: orphan
[Siblings] Unknown: orphan
[Spouse/Lovers] None. Infrequent casual sexual encounters (male, humanoid)
[Children] None
[Home Planet] Corellia

[Force Rating] Low | Passive \\ Psychometry (highly likely), precognition (unlikely)
[Combat Rating] Medium | Defensive \\ Some hand-to-hand combat skill, no particular school; avoids conflict, talented escape artist. Utilizes disguised stun weaponry, seems to prefer non-lethal.

[Profession] Rare goods authentication and procurement specialist; information broker; thief; gambler; mercenary; salvager; courier; smuggler.

[Vices and Affectations] Fondness for tea and fine cuisine; sentimental attachment to Sabbac deck; occasionally speaks to himself; occasional gambling (Sabbac); somewhat vain, prioritizes style and clothing (prefers elegance to flamboyance)

[Known Associates] Lao-ta, Jedi Master; Marbino Bix, scrapper/engineer, Coruscant; [make up some other ones/update as RPs continue]


[Ship and Equipment] YV-666 Light Freighter The Mollusc [sic]. Faded green with orange panel and gun on port side. Several modified droids, stealth stun weapons

[Last Sighting/Current Whereabouts] Thorne attended the recent opening of the Jedi Historical Institute on Hosnian Prime, which suffered an attack by Mandalorians. Though he seemed uninvolved with the attack, he was flagged as a person of interest and put under surveillance. In the following weeks he possibly met with Domina Prime, who orchestrated the attack on the JHI.

After this he was contacted by Master Lao-ta and met with her at a Jatz Cafe on Corellia. The purpose of this meeting is unclear; however, Lao-ta's recent research has focused on Darth Caedes, the current King of Korriban, and following the meeting she requisitioned 30,000 credits from the Jedi Temple for an unspecified project. Though we were unable to trace the money transfer directly, Thorne is the suspected recipient of these funds. Immediately after their meeting Thorne began making preparations to travel to Korriban, ostensibly to "lay low" and avoid GA/Jedi scrutiny following the Hosnian Prime incident. It is likely that, given Lao-ta's recent area of focus, he may in fact be visiting Korriban on her behalf.

For additional details, please see dossier on Master Lao-ta. Note recent research history.