
After years of tyranny, after endless battles waged across the stars, the iron grip of the Dark Empire has finally shattered. Their warlords withdraw, their armies retreat, and the Core is rising. The Galactic Alliance stands at the precipice of victory. Coruscant, once the heart of civilization, still bears the scars of their invasion. Tython, Empress Teta, Prakith — worlds that bled under their rule — face long awaited liberation. The Alliance's fleets gather, their banners raised, their soldiers ready.

This is not just another battle.

This is reclamation.

A last push to drive the shadows from the Core and restore peace to the heart of the galaxy. But even in retreat, the enemy is dangerous. Loyalists dig in, warlords carve out their last strongholds, and a path of destruction is left in their wake.

The final battle begins now.

The Core will be free.

Galactic Alliance story coming soon