

After the Invasion of Coruscant, a new Director of SIA was assigned, and SIA had to go through several major changes to recoup the Alliance’s losses to the Dark Empire and to rise up against the threats of opportunists and hostile actors.




Alongside other government and non-government institutions, the SIA moved its headquarters to the Alliance's new capital, Fondor. Contrary to their previous Ivory Tower HQ in Coruscant, the Fondor HQ is a modest building in which activities happen more underneath the ground. The building might look ancient on the outside, but it is equipped to the teeth with state-of-the-art features, it doesn’t shy compared to SIA Coruscant HQ. The heavily protected compound is known internally as an endless maze; the networks of tunnels, rooms, and passages beneath are almost impossible to remember, spreading outside of the main building itself, with many secret entrances and exits.

The Director and his three Deputies are stationed here, alongside surveillance operators, analysts, and InterSec officers.



Shedding through inefficient bureaucracies and outdated protocols, SIA is restructured into a leaner, more agile agency. They emphasize their operations on rooting out foreign agents, moles, and collaborators, and to eliminate actors detrimental to the safety of the Alliance, through a special focus on three divisions: Counter-Intelligence Division (CInt), Diplomatic Services Division (DipServ), and Special Operations Division (SpecDiv). Other existing divisions still exist, but are relegated to support the three divisions to achieve SIA Revitalized Agendas.

The three divisions are now each headed directly by a Deputy Director, who reports directly to the Director and has structural control over the other divisions, which are each still headed by a Division Chief. While the three divisions are given operational autonomy, they are to share resources upon the Director’s order, and should the need arise, they are to work together through the establishment of a temporary Task-Force.



While SIA is officially still a part of the Galactic Alliance Defence Force, they are given the strategic independence to pursue their own vision and goals. The Minister of Intelligence, who the Director is officially reporting to directly, will guide both institutions in their strategic venture to prevent misaligned interests between the SIA and GADF. Functionally, the Director is granted an equal standing with other Alliance’s higher-ups, reaffirming SIA’s strategic independence in pursuing their agendas.



Standing on par with other Alliance institutions, such as GADF and the New Jedi Order, SIA is expected to collaborate with the two organizations to solve the Alliance’s security issues. This mutual collaboration is reinforced by the use of temporary Task-Forces. SIA has been working closely with GADF, and it is to continue after SIA’s strategic independence, even expected to increase in intensity. On the other hand, collaborations between SIA and NJO are historically few and far in-between, thus the enactment of Project Valkyrie, an initiative between SIA and NJO to share resource pools on missions related to dealing with Dark Siders, Rogue Force-users, and other Force-related occurrences.



Through the major changes taken, the SIA new administration strives to maintain the Alliance’s superiority as a galactic power and the galaxy’s beacon of morals. This is encompassed into SIA Revitalized Agendas, which consists of:

1) The attack on the Deep Core and Core Worlds was a shameful display for SIA and the Galactic Alliance as a whole. We shall not be caught off-guard ever again. SIA will do everything to root out foreign agents, moles, and collaborators, and to eliminate actors detrimental to the safety of the Alliance. SIA Counter-Intelligence Division is given the sole and full prerogative to detain any GA citizens proven to be foreign agents, moles, and collaborators in GA Space, and SIA is given the full authority to capture and/or eliminate any foreign citizen accused of malicious intent towards the Galactic Alliance. SIA Special Operations Division is given the operational independence to launch operations to acquire, destroy or eliminate enemies’ strategic resources.​
2) The Senate has been and will always be a SIA ally, but we are not to close the possibility of a few rotten eggs within the Senate. The Diplomatic Services Division is to collaborate with the Senate to root out the undesirable aspects from the Senate. SIA Diplomatic Services Division is to work with each Senators to ensure loyalties of planetary government, and with each planetary government to prevent the induction of malicious individuals to the Senate​
3) The New Jedi Order has been and will always be an SIA ally, but we urgently need to work with them to reinforce the separation of state and faith and prevent the spread of radicalization; Militant Light Side, Rogue Force-users, and Dark Side alike. SIA is advocating for the absorption or eradication of non-NJO Force organizations.​
