From: Encrypted

To: Encrypted

Subject: Hey Dad

Hey Dad, it's me. Sorry its been about a week since my last message. I had to do the practical exam for survival skills. A semester full of theory and skill checks, finally got to test it all out. I did great, well, at least I wasn't the loser whose shelter fell on top of them and had the fire so close that it all caught on fire when it did. Yeah, that really happened. Who woulda thunk?

Anyway, classes and training are going well. I just got my form 1 certification, lol. It took a good while, a bit longer than it should have, I feel. But I was so busy with trying to make that new form I was telling you about. I still feel like a mixture of Shien and Nimen would make a good set for me. I want to be able to like use telekinesis to use blasters all around me, while I use the lightsaber. Wouldn't that be sweet? Oh! I'm almost done making that droid! Finally! It took a good bit longer than I expected. Guess that shows me for being cocky huh?

Now, enough about me for now. Did you seriously throw your apprentice into a Spider Pit? How wicked is that!? I love testing myself against strong things, even though the teachers disapprove, still, I think that would be a nightmare. Having to figure out how to land intact, and then with almost nothing, figure out how to beat a man-eating spider? Not sure I'm that good yet. But one day soon. Well, anything new happening with you?

Hey. I just wanted to say, I'm proud of you dad. We may be different and all that. But seriously. You haven't faltered in your beliefs, you do what you can to protect those you have to, and you do what you feel is needed for the galaxy to be how it should be. We disagree on the methods and end goals, true. But it doesn't mean I don't feel pride about you. Just wanted you to know that.

I love you. I miss you,

Your Son,

Aaron Cress
