
In the Outer Rim Territories, a new hope has risen from the ashes: the LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS
The LAW is a successor state to the fallen Rimward Trade League, a new alliance of independent planets
seeking to resist Sith occupation and restore peace, prosperity, and civility to the galactic outback.

Join the League today! Free the Outer Rim!


The LAW is full of writer-focused, community-driven opportunities! To cover the main bases, LAW has a number of unique and interesting subgroups that you can roleplay in to further refine your Outer Rim stories. Prominent groups include:
  • League Council & Government: Represent a planet, space station, or industrial corporation in the League Council. Cast votes that will change the course of League politics, debate and adopt new bills, and participate in governmental decisions.
  • Civil Defense Force: The LAW's volunteer military branch, comprised of the army, navy, and starfighter corps. Enlist as a trooper, fleeter, starfigher pilot, or SpecForces commando and fight for the League's freedom!
  • ORION & Rangers: Join the League's clandestine intelligence agency, the Outer Rim Intelligence Operations Network -- or protect and serve in the Rimward Ranger Service, the LAW's interplanetary law enforcement.
  • Jedi Coalition: Fight the forces of evil as a Light Side Force user. Choose from a variety of traditions, including Jedi, Jensaarai, Wardens of the Sky, or the Judges. Train from Padawan to Master across a variety of unique Coalition temples and enclaves.
  • Spacers Alliance & ORDC: Enlist as a freelance pilot or smuggler with the SpA -- or help rebuild broken worlds as a member of the Outer Rim Development Corps!
  • Bounty Hunters Guild: When the going gets tough, the BHG accepts League contracts to handle dangerous or morally ambiguous tasks. Check out contract kiosks in any major League settlement to make some credits!

Interested in joining the LAW but unsure where to start? Need ideas for a new character? Look no further!
  • Outer Rim Settlers: Homesteaders living life on the frontier often range from simple farmers. traders, and salvagers. These folk are trying to eke out an honest life in the Outer Rim.
  • Spacers: They were here long before any Outer Rim governments, and they'll be here long after; spacers are the wanderers of the Outer Rim, treating their freighters as homes and their blasters as treasure.
  • RTL Remnants: The Sith Order's attack against the Rimward Trade League was comprehensive, but many survivors remain among the broken stars that they once called home.
  • Sith Defectors: Not all who fight in the Sith-Imperial war machine are believers in the cause. Some brave beings defect, fleeing Sith space for safety in the League.
  • Industrial Magnates: The Outer Rim is rife with untapped resources and uncharted worlds. Industrial magnates take advantage, expanding their corporate interests.
  • Exiles: Plain and simple -- the galaxy doesn't want you anymore. Whether you're a criminal, a political target, or simply trying to escape, the Outer Rim is easy to disappear in.

Need ideas for story arcs and thread hooks? We've got you covered!
  • Guerilla warfare, hit-and-run tactics, sabotage, and playing dirty against Sith-Imperial forces.
  • Underdog fleeting and warposting against seemingly impossible threats.
  • Defending settlements and civilian ships from pirates, slavers, mercenaries, and criminal syndicates.
  • Smuggling goods, guns, and spice between the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds.
  • Representing downtrodden planets seeking support from LAW agencies.
  • Unraveling coups, assassinations, and other dark plots in local governments.
  • Counter-intelligence operations against enemies of the League.
  • Encountering strange cosmic phenomena in uncharted sectors of space.
  • Exploring new worlds to catalogue undiscovered flora, fauna, and minerals.
  • Settling planets and establishing trade routes to the greater League.
  • Shootouts, podraces, shockboxing, and Sabaac tournaments on seedy Outer Rim worlds.
  • Inter-faction diplomacy with other friendly nations on the board.