

The glowing eyes of the mercenary would gaze down from his perch on top of transit station seven on Coruscant. His target was well defended due to having connections within the upper levels of the Galactic Alliance Elite whose favor he coveted above all else. Corrupted though he was the influence he held within the alliance was respectable to say the least. Although this mattered not to his client who wanted to destabilize the government and military might of the Galactic Alliance. One might assume that it was the Brotherhood of the Maw but they would be incorrect as many people had much to gain from the alliance's collapse.

The scope of his sniper rifle within his scaly hands would peer down towards the transit station overlooking women and children that passed by with a slight opening of his mouth to reveal shiny jagged teeth. His hunger was ravaging but his client was very specific that it was to be a subtle job without raising alarm among the populace. Least the Alliance Marshals arrive on the scene and interrupt his fun. He smiled slightly with his jaw as his target appeared in view, dressed in formal military attire with a blaster pistol equipped to his belt.

Surrounding him would be a squadron of senate guardsman who were escorting colonel dragmire to his destination. He had vital intelligence about a plot to overthrow the senate by starting massive rebellions on multiple worlds to occupy the alliance's attention away from the Brotherhood of the Maw. Leaving an opening from which the tides of the war would change.

Karkosuchus simply rested his finger closer to the trigger, as the shuttle docked within transit station seven would begin to lower the ramp to transport the colonel to the senate district. Colonel Dragmire would almost reach the edge of the ramp when a blaster round penetrated through him like a stick through water.

He fell backwards as the senate guardsman recoiled in alarm, raising their blasters around the area to secure it upon the orders of their commander. His briefcase would be the next to go as a disruptor round smacked into it, slowly but surely disintegrating the briefcase and the evidence of the plot.

The large shadow of the beast would begin to fade from his perch, jumping down into the panicked crowds from the blaster rounds earlier. His mission accomplished he would be ready to make a break for it until the senate guardsman caught wind of him trying to escape. Blaster rounds poured out from their rifles towards him and the beast stumbled from the amount of blaster fire into his hard scales. As they drew closer, he would bash aside one of their rifles with a slight movement of his muscular arm.

Snapping into the shoulder of one of the guardsman while bashing in the head of another with his brass knuckles. Throwing the wounded guardsman from his mouth into the ceiling as they slammed into glass.

The beast got down on all fours like a rabid animal, thrashing through the crowd and over the railing into the dark depths below. Although he didn't perish from the height due to the awaiting repulsor car waiting for him. The droid would fire up the power to the car as they traveled through the dark and murky atmosphere of the under-levels to the sound of blaster fire behind them.

A successful hunt