
"I am no one's pet"

Anger clouded the mind of the saurton mercenary and bounty hunter known as Karkosuchus. For a few months after joining into a partnership with the Gand Bounty Hunter R'koosslon news reached him of terrible rumors circulating throughout the bounty hunter community. Some thought of him has nothing more than a loyal lapdog for the gand. Following his orders and doing what is told without question. His reputation was slowly sliding down the drain from a fearsome hunter to a lowly pet.

"No more!!!!"

Pacing back and forth within his lair on Mancharakorkon. The saurton decided there and then that his partner needed to be killed for this transgression against him. He would kill anyone who thought of him as nothing more than a pet. His sanity was being tested although he had suffered far worse mental breakdowns during his work as a bounty hunter. His clients used him as nothing more than a lousy enforcer for otherwise low payment. Karkosuchus was tired of getting the short end of the stick when it came to jobs as his supposed "partner" took all the credit for their victories.


He called his partner to his present location, lurking deep beneath the water's edge of the temple hideout on Mancharakorkon. His ears heard the footstep of the gand approaching their location, spotting him from within the water's depths. All he would have to do is leap up from the water and snatch the gand with his jaws to make a killing blow. Although his partner had some semblance of force sensitivity so sneaking up upon a gand findsman was difficult indeed.

"R'koosslon is here, Karkosuchus. What job do you have for us.?"

The Gand asked, looking around through the empty halls of the temple. His senses alert for possible danger but a motion within the water caught his eye. He pulled his gand discharger from its holster and walked closer to the water's edge to see through the murkiness. His hand on the trigger of the discharger and ready to pull it at the sight of any danger.


Karkosuchus jumped from the water when the gand approached closer, opening up his jaw and crunching down upon his shoulder. The gand managed to discharge from his weapon but it slammed into his shoulder with enough force to damage him. He dragged the poor screaming gand into the water, rolling around with his entire body as his prey was slowly split apart piece by piece. The gand punched him in the snout in a vain effort to save himself. But it was for naught as karkosuchus crunched further and further down with his deadly bite force. The water churned and twisted until finally coming to rest.

Karkosuchus dragged his prey onto the walkway, nothing much left of the corpse but his equipment which the suarton stored within his loot pile. He picked up the gand's still attached head and ripped it off with brute force. Blood gushing out for a considerable while until it was cauterized by a torch hanging on the temple wall. He attached the head to his belt now, as a subtle reminder to those that challenged him or thought of him as a pet. He would not be lead by anything or anyone.

"No one will control me, NO ONE!"

He screamed to no one in particular.

Walking further away into the darkness...his mission accomplished.