Kattadan Jedi Enclave


The Kattadan Jedi Enclave is opening its doors to those looking to learn the Jedi arts. Focusing on the school of thought of a Sentinel, the Kattadan Enclave is part of the Jedi Academy Network, now under the name of the Enclave Network. Part of Alliance space, the Enclave uses the relative comfort of the Alliance to expand on the students knowledge and reach for the stars.

Lead by Jedi Master, and current Wayseeker, Coren Starchaser, the Enclave works to use the Force as a tool and spiritual practice, rather than a religious entity. Focusing in Light Side techniques, the Kattadan Enclave bridges the gaps in the Jedi teachings by filling in with aspects of several ‘light sided’ Witch Covens, the mythos of the Wardens of the Sky, as well as the Fallanassi and Matukai.

Serving as a face for the Exploration Corps, students of the Enclave blend Sentinel and Consular style training, to expand their use of the Force, and how it can be utilized to better serve the galaxy at large.

Classes and styles of instruction are as follows:
  • Instruction at the Temple of Kattada
  • Instruction aboard one of several training vessels, visiting far off worlds, and seeking their myths and legends
  • Instruction aboard a training team of explorers to serve as a Force-sensitive crewmember,
  • Agricorps Jedi Training, to assist in the settlement, or re-settlement of far flung worlds
  • The Force and Technology, becoming a Tech Specialist and not afraid to use technology other Jedi and Force sensitives may not, from developing technology to assist worlds, to working with droids and as a starship mechanic
  • Taking posts at worlds in the Unknown Regions and former Levantine Space to serve as a Sentinel and Watchman

Force skills emphasized at Kattada are as follows:
  • Instinctive Astrogation
  • Force Sense, in the vein of understanding the world and beings around
  • Jedi Mind Trick
  • Force Healing
  • Art of Movement
  • Force Blinding and Stasis
  • Tutaminis

For the non-public side, anyone at the Knight Rank would also receive the following.

Advanced instruction styles
  • Learn to work as part of an asymmetrical fighting unit with Underground and Underground adjacent units to bring freedom to other worlds
  • Learn to seek out dark siders, and how to best combat them
  • Learn to find and secure dark side artifacts to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Advanced Force techniques
  • Force Light
  • Illusions from the Force
  • Force Valor and Building Power in Others
  • Force Sever, and removing, or dampening the Force in others
  • Force Resistance
  • Alter Environment

For Jedi, Jedi Hopefuls, or Light Sided Force Users who resonate, please come by the Kattadan Enclave for a visit, or contact Coren Starchaser on the Holonet.