- Name: KDY Militant Clone Phase I
- Template Species: Velabri
- Prime Clone:
REDACTED - Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld: Xa Fel (KBS Facilities)
- Language: Basic
- Average Lifespan: 50
- Estimated Population: Common (Cloned as Needed)
- Breathes: Type I Atmosphere
- Average height of adults: 2 meters
- Skin color: Caucasian
- Hair color: Varies between Dirty Blonde and Dark Brown, mainly Dark Brown
- Distinctions: Great human strength, overly tall, high pain tolerance
- Strengths: Honorable, precise
- Weaknesses: Short lived, nearly no emotions
- Diet: Low Quality Human Rations
- Communication: Speech
- General behavior: Aggressive, paranoid, strictly business
To Moderators: This is not a true attempt at species creation, it is just for record keeping. Any true alterations to the Velabri clones are just aesthetics.