Kesran Opadal: The Journey So Far

Written by Fredlis Karcon, Assistant Editor for the Peragus Gazette

-Must Read Biography to gain context-

When he was 14, an old man entered the remnants of Kesran's old home in the slums of Bakura's capital, Salis D'aar. Through the hole up to the second floor, Kesran dropped down to meet the old man. The man asked him simple questions and Kesran would answer. Then he asked him, "How are your gifts?". Kesran was a bit stunned about how the old fart knew. He then explained that he was a servant of one of many force worshiping groups. His particular group was called the "Prophets of the Dark Side". Kesran having an inquisitive mind began to ask the old man all sorts of questions, about the Sith, their enemies, purpose, history, etc. He learned how the Prophets were basically almost extinct and that the old man wanted to find a young mind of which guide one last time. Over the next 4 months, Kesran studied with the old man who revealed his name to be Haylon Palliak. He learned History, Philosophy, and Biology. At the end, Kesran would go from a orphaned child living in a slum all his life, to a young thoughtful man who craved his most utter desires and to achieve his most lofty aspirations. 3 months later, Haylon told Kesran that if he was to complete his knowledge and become a Sith, he would have to travel to Korriban, the original birthplace of the Sith. Kesran now not only wished revenge upon his uncle, but had added many dreams and goals to achieve in his life. He now had ambition, a purpose, and the drive to make it happen. He was only 15, but already understood more history & philosophy than most Sith knew by 20. However, Haylon was not force sensitive and could train Kesran in the complete dark arts of force talent and skill with a lightsaber. As they prepared to depart, Haylon gifted Kesran with a very sacred item, a Sith Holocron. "What is it", asked Kesran. "It is called a Holocron, a repository of knowledge created by a force user". "Typically Jedi & Sith create such devices, but the different between them is great", stated Haylon. "How so mentor". "A Sith Holocron is a device created by a wielder of the Dark Side, typically a Sith, and it can only be unlocked by embracing the dark side and craving the knowledge of which it holds". "Do you remember your lessons on the Great Sith War" asked Haylon. Kesran responded swiftly, "Of course, I found that conflict extremely fascinating, especially Exar Kun, I do envy his power". "Good, then you will like this Holocron". "Wait is it.....". "Yes young one, it is the Holocron of Exar Kun". Kesran began to internally cheer, and said "Thank you mentor! I will use it well". Haylon replied, "One thing I must warn you of Kesran". "The Holocron will unlock enormous power available to you, but do not advance too quickly, too much knowledge could overtly destroy your mind, you understand". "Yes mentor, I understand". "Good, very good".

After, the two made their way towards the spaceport to get passage on a passenger cruiser, they immediately heard loud shots from the crowd behind them. "Move, Move!" Get out of our way people". "F******* scum, lets just blow em all away". Soon after the crowd began to disperse, Kesran could see who they were. The Malgori Company. They had been driven off of Bakura soon after his mother died, but now they had come back with a vengeance. Kesran thought they were after him, but in fact none of them knew his face even if they perhaps knew his name. They shouted, "Its him, the old man" "Get him before he escapes". Kesran was confused, what had Haylon done? As they attempted to flee, Kesran asked him and Haylon answered, "The Prophets were the reason they were driven from Bakura, my student". "What, how?", Kesran replied. "Some of us were warriors, and some of us had money to purchase mercenaries, together we drove them off this planet", said Haylon as they crept into a small alley. "Why?" asked Kesran. "For you, child". "One of our force sensitive prophets had a vision, a vision of the Sith being led by a strong, capable, and knowledgeable Sith" "A Sith with your mark". Haylon pointed to the slash shaped birthmark placed below Kesran's neck. "We tracked you to here and attempted to find you, but you couldn't be found". "It wasn't until that same prophet dreamt of your survival and your exact location". "Alright, well we can go to the Prophets and they can complete my training". "I'm sorry, but before I left, we were attacked by an enterprising Sith Lord, when I escaped, I thought to come here and see if you could be found". "Why do Sith kill each other", Kesran inquired. "It is our way, a true Sith only respects strength, and it was our time to end after all". "I can feel your fear mentor, what is wrong". "I must get you away, come on, hurry!" As they tried to make it, a blaster bolt caught Haylon right in the leg and as he fell another went through his upper back. "As the Malgori troops came rushing forwards, Haylon with his final breath told Kesran, "Remember your training, remember your learning, and always remember.....the code". That instant another parental figure to Kesran was dead. As he looked at the charging guards, he began to recite the Sith Code in his head. As he reached the final two lines, he began to speak them aloud, "Through Victory my chains are broken". "The Force shall free me". Suddenly as he spoke the last line, he began to step forward as the Malgori were only moments away, and with one push of both hands, he sent all of the soldiers flying back with the Force. He then used the force to close the large blast door behind them and then began to bring down the the ceiling. He grunted and growled as he used all of his might. After a short struggle, he ripped his hands downwards and the entire hallway ceiling began to collapse. He ran backwards and locked the opposing blast door while sliding under just in time. As he tried to find a ship through the panicking crowd due to the spaceport alarm going off, he heard from an adjacent platform, "Hey kid!". He turned to see a green humanoid creature with large eyes and tentacles off the back of his head. "You need a ride", the Nautolan said. "Sure", said Kesran as he ran towards his ship. "She's a HWK-1000, ain't she the best". "I bet she is, should we get out of here", Kesran said as he entered the ship. "Oh yeah, time to bug out, better get seated, its gonna be a bit rough". Kesran sat down and saw a little droid, Kesran had always liked droids, there so many damaged and forgotten droids in the slums of Salis D'aar. "What's your name buddy", he said as he gave the droid a friendly pat. "Weeee, woooo, beep beep, Queeeehooo". "R4-B2, nice to meet you buddy", said Kesran as the droid buzzed in happiness. "R4 get up here", shouted the pilot. "program the hyperdrive, were getting outta here". As the ship exited the hangar and made its ascent, three Malgori cruisers were overhead. These were salvaged Dreadnought-Class Heavy Cruisers. As the pilot looked back, he saw Kesran a bit woozy. "You alright back there". "Yeah I'm fine", Kesran said. "It's your first time in space isn't it?". As Kesran nodded, the Nautolan laughed, "Hahaha, Well ill be". As he took the ship around in spins and twirls to avoid the cruiser's battery guns and starfighters. As they navigated out of the atmosphere, they approached two more cruisers. As the pilot evaded fightercraft and cruiser fire, Kesran looked at Bakura from above and thought this would be his last sight of his homeworld. Seconds later, the ship was in hyperspace, and Kesran had a awkward feeling, like he was still in shock somewhat, and it dawned on him that his mentor was dead, he was forced to flee Bakura, and was forced to trust in a stranger to get off-world. However, if Kesran thought that this was trouble, he hasn't seen nothing yet!


Part 2 will be released between 11/12 and 11/18