
The events that surround the battle at Woostri are no doubt weighing heavily on your hearts and minds. They weigh heavily on my own. The Alliance has been fighting against the oppression of the Sith and Dark Empire for a long time now. These two forces are deeply entrenched on their worlds and that's allowing them to launch offensives against us from multiple directions. It makes it very difficult to repel them. When you add in terrorists rising up within the alliance and destabilizing territory, in part because the monarch of that territory was not abiding by the laws they had agreed to, it makes everything vastly more complicated. The notion of defending our borders becomes more complex when the border becomes blurred by the nature of combat in the heartland.

I assure you that despite these setbacks, the commitment of the Alliance, the Jedi, and myself to protecting you remains strong. As some of you may know, I lost my left arm in the battle. The potential for the loss of my life was something that I accepted when I took on the role of a Jedi. Protecting you, protecting the innocent people of this galaxy requires a willingness to sacrifice myself if the need should arise to do so. Ultimately, though I lost my arm, I was able to chase my opponent from the battlefield, along with a second, though we lost the use of the underground facility as it was flooded, and ultimately we lost the world.

The loss of Woostri hit close to home for a lot of us. It's not that far from our world, and many of you may have known people from there. I remain committed to you and the people of the Alliance, and the galaxy as a whole, in my pursuit of peace and justice for all of those who cannot obtain it on their own. We will be extending the opportunity to refugees from Woostri to relocate to Lazerian IV in order to give them a new chance at life and provide them the safety and peace they both desire and deserve. I hope that you, like I, will welcome them with open arms and help them integrate into our society so that they can become productive members of it as all of you are. We are a prosperous people and we will continue to be so long as we continue to work together and remain as positive examples for the galaxy.

We will continue to do everything we can to keep you safe, I promise. And to the free people's of the galaxy that may read this, you have friends here. Do not hesitate to reach out to the people of Lazerian IV if you need us.

Sincerely yours,