As many of you may have seen broadcast by various news outlets, the stranglehold of the Dark Empire on various worlds has come to an end. Their troubled leadership, disillusioned soldiers, and weakened military power has finally faltered under the combined pressure of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and the New Jedi order. This is a momentous occasion that brings the turning of the tide in the battle against the forces of evil which strive to bring injustice and sow discord and suffering among the free people of the galaxy.
We welcome back the members of the Alliance that were previously taken away by force, the same members we had militarily attempted to free on several occasions. I know that the Kingdom of Devit never forgot you, and even as I write this, ships are enroute with medical supplies, food, and other items that will be of benefit to your efforts in recovering from Imperial occupation. I assure you that the people of Lazerian IV stand with you and always have.
To the Sith and other forces of darkness in the galaxy: your time is coming. The Dark Empire was just the first to fall. The free people's of the galaxy will not stand for your brand of governance nor tolerate your imposition of will. We will continue to fight back against you and we will route you as we have done the Dark Empire. The Alliance stands strong. No small defeat will stop us from winning the war.
For the people of the Kingdom, in light of this day, I declare today, the twelfth day of Aurion, a day of celebration of the end of the Dark Empire. Long may freedom reign!
Sincerely yours,