The real trick, is not to be the ones who are providing the best of technology. Giving gifts of technology is fine and well, but that only gets someone so far. What happens is the same thing that happens on worlds like Denon, Nar Shaddaa, even the so-called jewels of the Core, like Corellia.

Someone will always come, take control of the sources, of power, of food, of water. On the Rim, and the Colony worlds, its just as bad, if not worse. The supply lines out in the Rim are slow, if they even work at all. Settling a world, or resettling, there is going to be some company out there who is working an angle. How can they gain a profit off of the sale of dreams? That is the issues that I am working to solve.

For me, and many like me, its not about spreading the word of Mother Jungle, no, that is what prevents me from going home, taking the secrets of Ithor and spreading that which I know. The thing is, I'm not in it for any profit. I've seen the way the galaxy takes the less fortunate, throws them to the edges of space, promises them a new life with dreams and riches they wouldn't be able to find otherwise.

The trick is that it isn't what happens. Someone sees that they can use the people to benefit themselves. What I am doing, why I have stepped in to working with the Scar Worlds crews, is to help rebuild. Teach agriculture, with the Force and without, to provide the means to generate their own power, to pull away from the galaxy at large. Some people want to be away from it all, but others want the people. If we can develop tech and science to help with the communities on the world that were once damaged? We can bring crops, and food, we can bring power and security.

Maybe we can rebuild the galaxy.

Its not a matter of making a war, its not a matter of winning. Its preservation of life. Its creation of community, and healing the galaxy on a core level, the ground level. The peace and hope will grow into the canopy.

This journal will help serve as lessons for the future.