
I'm sorry I don't mean to worry you. But I can't lie to you. I'm not okay.

There's a lot of things I can't talk to you about but the war has been really difficult. I just don't want you to panic okay. I love you.

I've spoken with Master Noble and we will be able to come to Eshan soon. She's taking me to Ilum first where I'll be taking my crystal trial. I'm not sure what to expect but it's a really important step to being a Jedi.

But I promise things will be okay. Soon I'll be able to give you a big big hug. I can't wait to have your stew again, and walk the garden, and hug Cid, and just be with you.

I love you so much. I'm sorry I worried you and keep worrying you. I'll message you soon when we know when we can come.
