The what?
An Open House!
The Jedi Shadow Temple
Prepare yourself for a trip to the Jedi Shadow Temple coming up soon
Come and explore the facility
Sit in on a class (and see what courses this "Jedi University" has to offer)!
The Shadow Temple is affiliated with the Veridian and the Kattadan Jedi Temples
focused on the education and growth of Jedi across the galaxy.
We do not discriminate.
All Jedi are welcome!
The Jedi Shadow Temple
Prepare yourself for a trip to the Jedi Shadow Temple coming up soon
Come and explore the facility
Sit in on a class (and see what courses this "Jedi University" has to offer)!
The Shadow Temple is affiliated with the Veridian and the Kattadan Jedi Temples
focused on the education and growth of Jedi across the galaxy.
We do not discriminate.
All Jedi are welcome!