
The planet of Ord Providence has been left in shambles following an unexpected incident that unfolded in a matter of hours. Jedi representatives present as well as a Godoan soldier cadet, Holdam Kyo, were successfully evacuated from the capital of Ord Providence, Provenia, reporting the occurrence of a coup orchestrated by Sith sympathizers within the planet's clergy. After two hours of chaos in the streets, perpitrated by a yet unidentified band of pirate raiders, something large suddenly appeared within the dome's airspace outside the New Temple of the Goddess. Jedi Master Jasper Kai'el, who had been supervising a New Jedi Order educational venture to the planet, was last seen at this time. Security cameras within the temple captured these last moments, managing to give a blurry image of what is now being called an abduction.


While visual similarity has drawn many to the New Jedi Order's mobile temple, the order denies any awareness of this occurrence. Likewise, the navigational logs aboard their vessel do not support such a connection. This comes alongside increased hostility, as Mandalorian raiders and Sith Order imperialists make aggressive moves into Alliance territory. Jasper Kai'el, a former member of the NJO's high council and a war hero from the Second Great Hyperspace War, represents a significant loss of experience. It is unclear how this will effect the order's morale, nor has there been any word in regards to a search party for the Master's whereabouts.

In the wake of this attack, the people of Ord Providence are in open rebellion against their ruling class, who appear to have been greatly fractured during the coup. The clergy have locked themselves within their tower, an extension of the New Temple of the Goddess, and have ordered the planet's military to stand back fortify the temple. With no immediate military action to secure the streets, no significant violence has yet to break out. It is unclear if this will change at current date. Senator Valette Puritis Yumia, the planet's representative, had this to say on the matter.

"It's clear to the rest of the galaxy that our leadership is in shambles," the senator stated when interviewed. "With the recent incident in the Hapes Cluster, I believe many fear that Ord Providence will be another such case. Rest assured, I am committed both to our union and the representation of my people. If the people of Ord Providence are no longer content with the powers that be, I shall do everything in my power to ensure a peaceful transition so that no more lives are lost. We were lucky that the Jedi managed to nip the ring leader of these Sith sympathizers that festered within. I fear we won't be as fortunate a second time."

Senator Yumia returned to Ord Providence shortly after, holding up in the spaceport of Thella with a Galactic Alliance envoy.