1. The Colonization Act will work with the following pretexts in consideration:
    1. The wellbeing of Imperial Citizens, as of the Dark Empire itself, has priority over every other group of people, any entities, any factions, any society, any species of fauna or flora.
    2. It is the duty of the Imperial Citizens, as extensions and representatives of the Dark Empire, to enforce their unnegotiable and inherent right of wellbeing over everything that is alien to the Dark Empire, including but not limited to any species of fauna or flora, entities, factions, societies, tribes, etc.
    3. The main fight of men during barbarism was to survive nature, adapt to its force and grow within its limitation. After men transcended barbarism, and specially in the Dark Empire, he has surpassed the need to barely survive nature, and acquired the inherent right to fight nature for domination. Thus, it is the duty of every Imperial Citizen to, as an extension of the Dark Empire, contribute for the domination of nature, modelling it as our Empire sees fit.
    4. Every force that positions itself against the rights and duties mentioned in this act, is making a direct attack against the Dark Empire and its citizens. It is also the duty of every Imperial Citizen to eliminate such forces, and guarantee their own rights against attacks from elements alien to the Dark Empire.
    5. Any person has the right to become an Imperial Citizen and any society has the right to be integrated into the Dark Empire, as long as they abdicate their past culture and society in function of wholeheartedly embracing the Dark Empire's culture, society and inherent authority, and the rights and duties that come with being an Imperial Citizen.
  2. Every Imperial Citizen has the right to claim any areas previously unclaimed by the Dark Empire and its citizens for themselves, as long as they are to be held responsible for its terraformation, colonization and advancement.
  3. The Nyriaan Colonization Staff (NCS) will be formed, with the sole intent of enforcing claims and monitoring claimed areas so as to ascertain the progress of the land's terraformation, colonization and advancement. If the NCS judge that the land isn't passing through acceptable progress, the Landowner is liable to be fined, get further penalties and having their land confiscated by the Dark Empire. If the latter occurs, the land will be claimable by other Imperial Citizens.
  4. The Nyriaan Science Division will be formed to further study, catalogue and conservate part of the planet's fauna and flora, and will determine which species can be get rid of by the landowners and by Imperial Staff.
  5. Any organisation, militia, among other groups created with the intent to colonise Nyriaan will be liable to the NCS' scrutiny and authority
  6. Any organisation, society or group that puts itself against the colonisation by means of force, sabotage or resistance will be considered enemies of the Dark Empire and terrorists, and their crimes will be divided between Light or Grave.
  7. Any Imperial Citizen is permitted and has a duty to hunt for, imprison and protect his land from terrorists responsible for "Light" crimes. Any Imperial Citizen is permitted and has a duty to hunt for, imprison, protect his land from and eliminate terrorists responsible for "Grave" crimes.
  8. The Dark Empire claims any city, town, settlement, colony, mine and state buildings existant prior to this act.
  9. The Dark Empire claims the Steamfields.
  10. (CLASSIFIED) The Nyriaan Colonisation Alternative Directory Agency (NADA) will be created, consisting of the most highlighted branch of NCS bureaucrats, Nyriaan Science Division specialists and members of the ISB. The NADA reports to Moff Braxiatel and ISB personel only. It is part of the NADA's duty:
    1. To study and transform Nyriaan's nature.
    2. To monitor the personel working in the NCS and the Nyriaan Science Division.
    3. To infiltrate and monitor any city, town and settlement owned by Imperial Citizens.
    4. To infiltrate and monitor any organisation created to colonise Nyriaan.
    5. To create new weapons for the Dark Empire.
    6. To study and neutralize the Sith sect known as "Children of the Tempest" living in the Steamfields.
    7. (TO THE UPMOST NADA PERSONEL ONLY) In case orders from Moff Braxiatel, the ISB and the Emperor differs, NADA will prioritise Moff Braxiatel's order above the other two. This is made to secure Imperial purity among the Dark Empire. Any member who openly talks about this law to everyone else but Moff Braxiatel will be exterminated.