1. Hereby, this decree marks the foundation of the Nyriaanian Miner’s Union to represent Miner’s interest in Nyriaan.
  1. The Nyriaanian Miner’s Union will endorse the following pretexts, that seek to spread equality and harmony between Imperial citizens:
a) The Dark Empire is an organism endowed with a purpose, a life, and means of action transcending those of the individuals composing it. It is a moral, political, and economic unity which finds its integral realization in the Imperial State.

b) Work in all its forms—intellectual, technical, and manual— however organized or carried out, is a social duty. On these grounds, and on these grounds alone, it is safeguarded by the State. From the standpoint of the Nation, the mass of production forms a totality; it has a single aim: the well-being of individual producers and the growth of Imperial power.

c) Professional and labour organizations enjoy complete freedom. But only unions legally recognized and subject to state control have the right to legally represent the whole category of employers and workers for which they are constituted; to defend their interests with respect to the state and other professional associations; to negotiate collective labour contracts that are binding on all members of the category; and to impose dues and to make use of these dues as a function of the public interest.

d) The collective labour contract embodies the feelings of solidarity that bind together various factors of production. It harmonizes the opposing interests of employers of labour and of workers, subordinating them to the higher interests of production.

e) The Nyriaanian Labour Court is the organ through which the state intervenes in order to settle labour disputes, whether arising from the observance of contracts or other existing rules or from the formulation of new labour conditions.

f) Legally recognized professional associations ensure legal equality between employers and workers, keep a strict control over production and labour and promote the improvement of both. The Guilds constitute the unitary organization of the forces of production and integrally represent their interests. By virtue of this integral representation, and in view of the fact that the interests of production are the interests of the Nation, the law recognizes the Guilds as State organizations.

g) The Dark Empire considers private initiative, in the field of production, as the most effective and useful instrument in the interests of the Nation. In view of the fact that the private organization of production is a function of national concern, the organizer of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production. Collaboration between the forces of production gives rise to reciprocal rights and duties. The worker, whether technician, clerk or labourer, is an active collaborator in the economic enterprise, the responsibility for the direction of which rests with the employer.

  1. All Imperial Citizens registered as Miners are considered part of the Nyriaanian Miner’s Union. Each Union member is entitled to anonymity and free-will to vote. As such, bribery, extortion and preventing locomotion with the intent to stop one’s vote are to be considered illegal.
  1. With the understanding that it is within a Miner’s civil duty as an Imperial Citizen to cast a vote, every registered Miner is obliged to vote during electoral day. If a Union member does not cast their vote, and has no justification to why, their union rights will be revoked, and the citizen will have to pay a fee of 10 credits to regain it.
  1. A council will be elected from four to four years to represent the collective of Nyriaanian Miners. Voting will be made during the 24 hours after the four years term is met, in specified cryptographied terminals spread throughout the planet in secure rooms with cameras, and will be monitored with scrutiny by certified Imperial authorities to guarantee voters’ anonymity and free-will in voting, preventing the electoral crimes stated in this decree.
  1. The Miner’s Council will consist of at least the following chairs:
a) President and Deputy President: The President and the Deputy President are the chief executive officers of the Union, the ultimate representatives of the Union, ultimately responsible for the whole Union, its Constituent parts, and its activities and governance. They are ultimately responsible for the finances of the Union, and ultimately responsible for staffing and discipline issues.

b) Finance Coordinator: the Finance Coordinator is responsible for overseeing, coordinating and administering the financial records, systems and processes of the Union, including accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and benefits, record keeping, banking, insurance and all related financial and office administration.

c) Political Formation Coordinator: the Political Formation Coordinator will be responsible for promoting a chronogram of activities to educate the Union members and the Nyriaanian community in Imperial politics.

7. [CLASSIFIED] Security precautions will be made to maintain the Union’s incorruptibility by rebel agitators and other saboteurs:
a) The Voting Terminals will have hidden cameras to identify the voter. The Voting Terminals will also identify the vote they have cast.

b) The Voting Terminals’ votes will automatically fill a sheet consisting of the voter’s name, photo and vote to be sent directly to the Moff and/or Planetary Governor’s personal devices to be monitored. After all the votes are cast, the results will also be sent to the Moff and/or Planetary Governor, and are liable to modification.