Nida. It's me.

Poodoo's about to go down here on Coruscant. This... Dark Empire insurrection that's sprung up in the heart of the Alliance is laying siege to the capital. I'm staring at the Jedi Temple as I'm recording. You know, I must've set foot on hundreds of worlds by now, and always as conqueror or saviour. I've never visited another planet in peace. I would have liked to walk the halls of the Senate building, or tread the grounds of the Jedi Temple with all its history. See where my dad spent his formative years.

Looks like there might not be a Coruscant after today. If the planet still stands, it won't be the same.

Bumped into Tulan Kor as he was preparing like only he knows how to. He wasn't happy to see me, and for good reason. He thought that, after the war, I would've retired with you by my side, raising little pink ones. I would have liked that too, for obvious reasons. But you and I are creatures bound by duty — we require purpose; a higher calling to be of service to others. I've made my peace with that. I don't think Gunny wants to understand that.

I won't lie — there's a good chance I might not make it out of this one. Gunny thinks the situation is hopeless, and it's hard to argue. Physically he's fine, but I think he's grown too jaded for his own good. He's a tough S.O.B. though, and I know he'll give the enemy hell in the next few hours. I'll look after him for the both of us.

I just wanted you to know... I love you. I've loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. We were just kids then, but I knew. I'd never been so sure about anything in my life. Growing up, I had this deep rage built up inside getting me into all sorts of trouble. I must've beaten up every kid bigger than me twice over, upsetting my mother and disappointing my father. Truth be told, I was lost until I met you. Every moment spent with you was a gift.

Gotta go — enemy fleet just entered atmosphere. If you do not hear from me again, then look for me on Coruscant. Take my body back home to my dad. Tell him... I just wanted to make him proud. And tell my mum I love her. Tell them I went out fighting, like a true son of Midvinter.

I shall wait for you in Death's Halls, my love.