Kaggath Arena

The excited footsteps and chattering of the crowd in the audience stands above was a distant yet ever-present echo in the background of the otherwise quiet preparation chamber. Darth Strosius had dismissed any offers of attendance and assistance before the coming duel, naturally distrusting whatever staff were on hand at the arena and not wanting to bring his own entourage for a duty that he could perform himself just fine. While he may have been the sole occupant as he checked over his armor and robes as well as his blades, he was not left alone to his own devices entirely.

:"So, what's the plan then?": Never one to enjoy the tense silence before a battle, Missaa spoke up first among the four. Skep and Vestak both shot her sharp glances, which she ignored, as Salneva simply rolled her eyes. All knew that it was unwise to interrupt the masked man's silent contemplation, especially on the eve of a coming conflict. Thankfully for all four of the projected figures the Sith Lord didn't seem to be in the mood to snap back as he typically did, instead he simply continued polishing and sharpening the claws on one of his gauntlets for a moment before he spoke. "Is it not obvious?"

The more calm and collected voice and demeanor of Darth Strosius was strange to see given the circumstances, with him all but being forced into a duel for his very life and their way of living so soon after the fall of Formos at the hands of Lady Raaf and her kin. In general the previous wrath that he had been known to exhibit at all times had seemingly cooled despite what was a frustrating state of affairs. The Order of Wonosa and Inquisition reduced from one world to two and now their leader would battle for the fate of the remains on live holonet, as well as for his own fate of course.

Yet he sounded so very composed and neutral that Missaa actually grimaced at the cool response. :"N-No I mean, I know what your orders are boss-er sir...but...": As she trailed off Vestak, quick to puff up his chest as he spoke, intervened. :"She means to say that her faith in you is lacking, High Priest.": As always the fighter commander's words were clipped and to the point, the slight insult inherent in them hard to discern given that it was spoken as though it was a simple fact. :"Well of course she has her doubts, what you're planning is nigh impossible.": Skep spoke up before the Twi'lek and the fanatic could get into another argument.

The masked man perked up slightly and finally turned to regard the four holograms as he slipped his gauntlet back on. "Impossible? My dear Principales, all that I ask is that you move the fleet into position and ready the ships for orbital bombardment just in case the crowd gets out of hand." The Zygerrian's eye twitch in response seemed to imply that the issue had been skirted around rather than directly addressed. A common tactic that he had been dealing with for decades now. Finally Salneva cleared her throat and decided to add her voice to what was quickly descending into another shouting match. :"I believe that they are referring to the first and third portions of your plan, High Priest.":

Missaa quickly nodded in agreement while Skep simply crossed his arms, both willing to accept the intervention of the Exarch for different reasons. "Ah. I see." The neutral tone of the masked man finally started to give way, albeit not to anger like one might expect. Instead, he sounded almost ecstatic. "Malum will be no issue. I've been trained by the greatest Sith Assassin in generations, tempered in the cauldron of war, I have fought and dueled since before he was but a twinkle in his parent's eyes. He will fall, perhaps not so easily given our shared learnings, but he will indeed fall." Of that he was certain.

"Even if he were to somehow gain the upper hand I cannot see him striking me down. His heart is too soft, his will too weak. He only managed to end Ophidia because I handed him the opportunity on a silver platter and Empyrean all but forced him into the position to do so. He won't be able to slay me." Malum might not have been the most frontline of Sith but Darth Strosius wasn't prideful enough to disregard him outright, but he knew that the mercy of the Heir of Marr would always win out against his duty. Malum wouldn't dare strike him down, and that was why he would lose. Why he had to lose.

"And once I have felled him, then Empyrean will be no issue either. I will challenge the corpse to a Kaggath right then and there. He dare not refuse such a public challenge, even if he did then I shall rip him from his throne all the same regardless. He is used to trading words and barbs with the likes of Ophidia and Carnifex, with peers trading power and thrones amongst themselves." The usual righteous wrath of the masked man began to seep back into his tone, a more familiar yet no less concerning notion. "But I do not play such games." His clawed fingers flexed before clenching into a tight fist. "I will tear him apart for all to see and take his throne for myself, then the fleet will jump in to ensure that none dare challenge my new rule."

Even he had to admit that it was far from a perfect plan, such was the need for the fleet's entrance at all. He might have been a formidable fighter and Sith in his own right but if the whole audience turned on him then he had no illusions of success. :"So you're relying on fear to keep your rule from collapsing before its even begun?": Skep didn't sound impressed, nor did he look it, but Missaa nonetheless agreed with a small nod as she spoke up as well. :"Yeah boss, I don't mean to sound reluctant or doubting but it does seem a bit...ruthless don't you think? People might just think you're another tyrant grabbing for power.":

The words hung in the air for a moment as Darth Strosius's hidden gaze slowly shifted between the two skeptics, not at all missing how Salneva and Vestak exchanged uncertain glances that hinted at their own reservations regarding his plan. " mercy. The only kind that the Sith are used to. They won't care that I have taken the throne by violent means, that's simply how its meant to be. The common folk may resist but I know the perfect way to keep them in line, I will direct any hatred or fury they have towards two very potent enemies." He crossed his arms behind his back and stood up straighter, noticeably taller than the projections so that all four of them were forced to look up slightly.

"First we eliminate the Kainate, purge every last one of them from the Holy Worlds and destroy their Malsheem. Then and only then can we set our sights on the Jedi and the Alliance." None of them seemed particularly comforted by such words, although Vestak did seem to be intrigued by the possibility if nothing else. :"So you let the Alliance run rampant while you go around destroying the Sith's northern bastion?": Skep asked in a dry tone, giving voice to the concerns that the other three held. "There will be some forces left to hold the border, more than enough to dissuade the Alliance from a full frontal assault at least. But we can no longer afford to fight an enemy on one front while another waits within our very borders. The Kainites, the Eternalists, and any who would align with them or resist my coming rule must be executed. I will suffer no infighting and betrayal during our march to the Core."

Skep opened his mouth to bark out another criticism but Missaa quickly spoke up first, eager to try and shift the conversation away from what would inevitably be another argument. :"This is all relying on you defeating both Malum and Empyrean though! What if you've underestimated them? What if Malum takes too much of your effort and you can't stand up to Empyrean? What if you fail?": The words echoed in the empty chamber, all eyes fixated on the masked man who stood ever resolute and stalwart. The Twi'lek had asked the question that all of them had been wondering, the nagging little notion in the back of their minds. He hadn't even been able to best one Dark Councilor with his newfound power and now all of his goals seemed to hinge on slaying another as well as the Emperor himself. The hesitation and doubt was more than warranted.

Darth Strosius stepped forward, his footfalls heavy and thundering enough to make Missaa wince as the Sith Lord loomed over her projection. One of his hands slowly moved to rest on her shoulder in a symbolic gesture, given that she wasn't physically present, that was far more odd than it was comforting. "On Formos my power was new, fresh. Unknown to me. But now..." Missaa turned a paler shade of blue as she suddenly felt a cold grip on her shoulder, and despite being systems away from the High Priest she knew he was the source of it. "I will best Malum, and then Empyrean, and then whoever else might stand against me. There is simply no other option."

With a wave of his hand he dismissed the projections abruptly, turning as he heard the crowd roar with anticipation. Preparation time was over, now came the Kaggath. "Success or Death, it is the only way." And thus he strode forward through the still-opening doors that led to the arena floor.