Porte Homestead
Villa Road
"This cannot be the way father?" The Jedi Padawan inquired as he looked to him. "If we don't follow our allies, the only way for us to suceed....." Aiden inquired, more so demanding than anything. Aiden couldn't understand it, he felt that he didn't understand any of it. The flurry of emotions that was gathered before him began to spill out to the point to where he began to lose his temper. "You sat before Briana and you pledged to help her, in all things. Why offer and then choose to aband-" Aiden let out a small frustrated sigh before he looked forward and shook his head.
"The only was for us to succeed and thrive is together, we cannot do that if we stand divided."
Aiden couldn't ever understand how he could be so calm, as he looked over to his father once more, waiting for a response. He could never full grasp his mindset, no matter how hard he tried.
"I'm not abandoning anyone Aiden." The Jedi Master looked over to his son with a small frown. "You are young and you have so much yet to learn. I will always support our allies no matter what comes to pass, but that is going to be on my terms. Yes, I advised Briana that I would defend her and follow her....to the end. But to what end? I will not follow blindly if it something I do not agree with, or that I feel is wrong in my heart. Everyone carries scars from their lives at some point or another. And if Briana was truly alone in this, I would be there at her side. But she is not alone...."
Kahne chuckled lightly, as he took shook his head. He recalled a time when he was like this, much in his earlier years as a Jedi Knight, things seemed so much simpler then. Aiden didn't have any clue as to what things were or how they came to pass.
" I told them that I would defend and protect our cause, not matter what..... is that not enough? What more would you have me do. Follow one crusade after another, and another and so forth?"
Aiden let out a small exhausted sigh as it seemed like he was going in circles with this. He was so confused and had so many thoughts rushing around in his mind that day on Crait. But after thinking more he felt that as long as they stayed together they could weather the storm. He turned and walked away a few paces and finally came to a stop. Taking in some deep breaths, before looking back to his father.
"So what do we do?" Aiden inquired as he raised his arms up to the side for a brief moment before letting them fall back down. "What can I do?!" The Jedi Padawan raised his hand in the air and pointed a finger towards Kahne. "You would sit by and let them face their nightmares alone?! You would have them choose darkness and death?!"
Many had ever wondered how he had gotten so calm, the lighthouse in the storm. To guide those on their way that were lost. However that was gone for a brief moment as the Jedi Master showed a exert of emotion on his son. "NO!" Kahne declared loudly in a way that stood his ground and showed purpose and truth. "I do not choose death! I choose life and freedom for Naboo, the people, the Jedi....and myself."
The Jedi Master raised his hand to his chin and let out a small sigh. There was times he was worried for Aiden, worried for his family. Kahne thought of all of those he had lost, their names replaying over and over in his mind. He could see their smiling faces, when things were so off in the galaxy. A time when their was a period of peace.
"I will die in battle. And I assure it will be by my choice, and my choice alone. At the end of the day my conscious will be clear, and I can look at my reflection and say that I wasn't swayed by no one. Mind, heart and soul are mine and mine alone."
The Jedi Master looked over to Aiden, not with a sense of sadness, but with duty and purpose and most of all hope.
"Get home, and get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow." Kahne spoke in a soft tone as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Before walking past him, continuing down the Villa road.
Villa Road
"This cannot be the way father?" The Jedi Padawan inquired as he looked to him. "If we don't follow our allies, the only way for us to suceed....." Aiden inquired, more so demanding than anything. Aiden couldn't understand it, he felt that he didn't understand any of it. The flurry of emotions that was gathered before him began to spill out to the point to where he began to lose his temper. "You sat before Briana and you pledged to help her, in all things. Why offer and then choose to aband-" Aiden let out a small frustrated sigh before he looked forward and shook his head.
"The only was for us to succeed and thrive is together, we cannot do that if we stand divided."
Aiden couldn't ever understand how he could be so calm, as he looked over to his father once more, waiting for a response. He could never full grasp his mindset, no matter how hard he tried.
"I'm not abandoning anyone Aiden." The Jedi Master looked over to his son with a small frown. "You are young and you have so much yet to learn. I will always support our allies no matter what comes to pass, but that is going to be on my terms. Yes, I advised Briana that I would defend her and follow her....to the end. But to what end? I will not follow blindly if it something I do not agree with, or that I feel is wrong in my heart. Everyone carries scars from their lives at some point or another. And if Briana was truly alone in this, I would be there at her side. But she is not alone...."
Kahne chuckled lightly, as he took shook his head. He recalled a time when he was like this, much in his earlier years as a Jedi Knight, things seemed so much simpler then. Aiden didn't have any clue as to what things were or how they came to pass.
" I told them that I would defend and protect our cause, not matter what..... is that not enough? What more would you have me do. Follow one crusade after another, and another and so forth?"
Aiden let out a small exhausted sigh as it seemed like he was going in circles with this. He was so confused and had so many thoughts rushing around in his mind that day on Crait. But after thinking more he felt that as long as they stayed together they could weather the storm. He turned and walked away a few paces and finally came to a stop. Taking in some deep breaths, before looking back to his father.
"So what do we do?" Aiden inquired as he raised his arms up to the side for a brief moment before letting them fall back down. "What can I do?!" The Jedi Padawan raised his hand in the air and pointed a finger towards Kahne. "You would sit by and let them face their nightmares alone?! You would have them choose darkness and death?!"
Many had ever wondered how he had gotten so calm, the lighthouse in the storm. To guide those on their way that were lost. However that was gone for a brief moment as the Jedi Master showed a exert of emotion on his son. "NO!" Kahne declared loudly in a way that stood his ground and showed purpose and truth. "I do not choose death! I choose life and freedom for Naboo, the people, the Jedi....and myself."
The Jedi Master raised his hand to his chin and let out a small sigh. There was times he was worried for Aiden, worried for his family. Kahne thought of all of those he had lost, their names replaying over and over in his mind. He could see their smiling faces, when things were so off in the galaxy. A time when their was a period of peace.
"I will die in battle. And I assure it will be by my choice, and my choice alone. At the end of the day my conscious will be clear, and I can look at my reflection and say that I wasn't swayed by no one. Mind, heart and soul are mine and mine alone."
The Jedi Master looked over to Aiden, not with a sense of sadness, but with duty and purpose and most of all hope.
"Get home, and get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow." Kahne spoke in a soft tone as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Before walking past him, continuing down the Villa road.