"'Ello Lovely readers! Today, ve are interviewing ze newest Jedi Mastah of the New Jedi Ordah! Jonyna Si, Ze Zentinal of 'Armony. Introduce yourzelf, ma'dam."
"Hi. I'm Jonyna Si. Sentinel of Harmony, Jedi master, and apparently occasional fashion model."
"Jonyna, now, dahling, tell me. What iz your secret?"
"...my secret?"
"Yes! For such a look! A body! You look firm, taught, and quite znazzy."
"Oh! Uh....yeah. Mostly just keeping fit. Lots of training, working out, oh, and tree-surfing."
"Tree-surfing? Vhat is that?"
"Cathar Tradition. Requires a ton of dexterity, but it's sooooo fun once you get a feel for it. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. Maybe regular surfing first." She chuckled into the microphone. "As for the rest of my look, it comes curtesy of yours truly, the one and only Stomme Kleine Kikker."
"Oh, aren't you ze flatterer? But ve are not here for me! Ve are here for you! Tell us, vhat does being ze Zentinal of Harmony mean?"
"Honestly? A lot of paperwork. It's mostly just me looking over and coordinating relief work. We've got most of Coruscant to rebuild. The B line is back up as of yesterday!"
"And does zis mean you are no longer fighting ze good fight?"
"Oh, absolutely not. I'm still prepping for what comes next. The Storm rolls on, fighting back the darkness."
"Ve have heard ze stories. Ze stunning Tiger, stalking it's prey. Do you think that a fair assessment of your work?"
Jonyna let out another laugh. "I don't do much stalking. Mostly just normal Jedi Guardian work. I'm sure you can find footage of my defense of the temple on the holonet. While I take plenty of pride in my skills, fighting for me isn't about the thrill of battle or a worthy opponent. It's about protecting those behind me. Those who can't."
"A noble soul. And zingle, from what I have heard."
"...technically, yes. I'm dating around right now. Seeing a few folks. Trying to find my way through a heartbreak."
"...I had a boyfriend. Taam Moghul. He...disappeared."
"Do you miss him?"
"...yes. A lot. But a woman like me, a jedi master, we can't let ourselves be held down by tragedy, even personal ones."
"Do you believe our readers could learn from that?"
"...yes. If you're reading this, remember that there's always tomorrow. Always another happy moment ahead of you. No matter the tragedy, find hope in the little things."