Three Weeks After Hapan Ball​




The voice pierced through his mind, disguising itself almost as a snowflake falling from the skies. Once it reached its location it revealed its true nature and it did as it was intended. It awoke the Jedi Padawan with a start. He sat up in bed incredibly quickly, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and chest. He coughed slightly as he turned to get out of bed and he moved towards the window his hands resting again the counter.

It was something that he couldn't shake. Dark thoughts that littered the young padawan's mind. Not about him, but others.....

Family and friends....

Dark in nature and he could see their faces. It wasn't theirs anymore, they belonged to someone else. They were evil, manifestations, corrupt.

Rain pounded upon the Temple and the sky lit up almost in a small song of deadly nature. Once the light hit, he could see far from the Temple. He struggled to catch his breath as he had a small coughing fit. Blood came from his mouth once the ordeal was over and he moved to the sink, washing his mouth and his face off. He rubbed his face rather roughly before looking into the mirror.

"Just breathe, it was a dream. Nothing more...." Aiden took a deep breath as he dried his hands with the towel hanging and moved to sit back down in his bed. Was it stress that was inducing these events or something more. Ever since the Hapan ball and even what happened after he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep. After his talks with Solenne Abraxas and, even his father about the events. She had provided him with much comfort, and even then there was something that was continuously striking him. What worried him the most was that he couldn't see it, it wasn't easy to just sit back. He had to do something about it.

The speak of his name flashed through his mind again, and he shivered slightly. While it spoke his name, what accompanied it was far more than just a word.

Pain and darkness

He groaned slightly as he stood up leaving the confines of his room. His hand resting on the side his his head, massaging the side of his temple. Aiden moved outside the temple doors and into the pouring rain. He arrived at the steps and took a seat. He closed his eyes and he took a deep breath. His affinity with the lightside of the force doing its best to draw out what was ailing him.

"Breathe....just breath...." Aiden whispered over and over as his eyes opened to the flash that would light the sky.

He cried silently....

Luckily the rain would disguise the tears.