
The Provost returned to his office with a quiet appreciation for climate control. Jutrand was often kept climatized on a planetary scale by massive enviromental adjusters - but the power spikes for military production had forced the planet to deal with the bare minimum. The Slums got hot, some parts froze, but the forge machines kept churning on the Emperor's command. Even today, the courtyard of the Jutrand Academy was assaulted by the Sun - who's great weight bore down through smog and clouds kept thin by aesthetic design, just to burn at the children awaiting their chance to join his Academy.​
Unbuttoning his collar, he took a seat behind his desk and allowed a large monitor on his wall to come to life - showing the various results of the children, along with a live feed of them in the center of the room. Faces were highlighted based on better than average test results, while others were quickly crossed out as they were dragged away to be expelled. After a few moments of watching them, two Sepulchral Priests entered, their aged and dead skin looking like leather dragged across chicken wire. They always disgusted him.​
"Darth Ognitio.", one said through a voice made of dust.​
"Welcome, welcome. Come, lets get on with it.", he said with a motion to the screen.​
"Have you found any that have caught your eye?", the other asked, sulphuric eyes watching him closely. He always hated how sharp their gaze was.​
Clearing his throat, Ognitio corrected himself and pressed a few buttons, highlighting a few names that had thus far passed. He pointed to the first;​
" Firrerreo . Fourteen. His blood work wasn't impressive, but what was...", he said letting the screen replay a few moments caught. The times Firreerreo's familiar left and joined him - a spy on his behalf, being spied on by the familiars of the Academy's tutors. "The Manifestation of a strong familiar at a young age is a good sign - and his ability to manipulate the lock with said power is impressive.", he finished. The Priests studied the face of the boy for a few moments, then nodded.​
" Marcus Dinn .", Ognitio pointed to another, a red haired child sitting alone. "His answers are practiced, his skills well defined. He's holding himself back. The only downside - he decided to help another student. "​
"The Emperor's Grandson?", one of the Priests asked.​
"The very same. It may gain him the wrong amount of attention should be survive the next tests."​
" Last, Viers Connory . She is not sponsored.", he said with a rewind of the recording to when she appeared before them, pushed into line, and forced to join a procession she had no inkling what to do in.​
"Even still - I would offer to sponsor her myself, if Alina Tremiru hadn't already. She has shown a rather... creative aptitude in passing the tests. Illusions, speed, but a sharp mind is what I see. Where others simply passed the test as they were told, she found a way to pass herself. Were I to give high marks to anyone here - it would be her.", he mused as he studied her arrival once more.​
"The Sepulchral thanks you for your observations, Darth Ognitio.", they said in unison, bowing as they offered little more than a flat, dead expression.​
"Yeah... Thanks. Leave.", he said to them, shooing them away as he poured himself a drink.​
The other students were impressive, and they would have their time to shine - but the Provost had found the three he liked the most, so far.​