'I still remember it. The first time I saw Sister Hu, teaching me how to use magic. It was just a simple spell, we made a ball of light in our hand. The feeling of it was incredible, I think it was because it was something I made. I remember going to archer lessons to learn how to use the energy bow. Sister Hu was strict, but her classes always graduated top of the groups. She made us into powerful witches and warriors. We were formed to be great nightsister. But as I grew older and learned of Allya. A jedi banished to Dathomir, who later had a child with the Zabrak brotherhood, and thus began the age of the nightsisters. Learning of this jedi, I wanted to know more about them. Wandering the planet, I found an old Sabaoth starfighter, from when we were attacked and mostly wiped out by Grievous. Secretly I began to fix it up, and one night while the sisters were busy, I took an energy bow, some credit, and rations, flying off into the stars, on a mission to discover what the force was, and who these Jedi people once were.'

Hearing someone Tilly closed her holopad, saving the rest of her adventures to log for another time.
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