Public Announcement
From: Starchaser Enterprises, Corellia
To: The galaxy at large, through Navigators Guild


Stars of Hope
Today, Starchaser Enterprises is unveiling its new and on-going initiative, the Stars of Hope program. The galaxy is a wide and vast place, with many pilots flitting from planet to planet, seeking a better life, better opportunities. Sometimes they are prepared for what they’ll find, other times? Not so much.

With the creation of the Sojourner line of cruisers, Starchaser Enterprises has created three special Sojourner’s to aid in galactic search and rescue operations. These ships known as the Laika, Tyrene, and Daragon, are venturing into the Outer Rim with several escort ships, from the Starchaser Enterprises line, including Pathfinders and Seekers.


Their mission is to patrol the star lanes, and provide safe passage for those that need it. Not designated for front line combat, these three patrol units are nonetheless armed to repel pirate attacks, and make others think twice about engaging these fleets. Their true designation and purpose are to respond to distress beacons, provide fuel and resources, and if needed, rescue of stranded pilots.

While they will not enter a warzone, the three units will provide evacuation services to those that ask.

The Laika and her escorts are patrolling the Tingel Arm region of Wild space, the Tyrene is patrolling former Kathol Outback/Outer Rim Coalition space, and the Daragon is patrolling the region colloquially known as the Unknown Regions. Ships are making semi-annually port on either Chandrilla, Corellia, or Laekia, and are provided additional assistance from The Oasis or Dawn Chaser.

While the name Starchaser does provide a feel of Alliance/Republic leaning, the initiative is to help any in need. Distress beacons will be received as they are alerted, and contacting the Stars of Hope headquarters will provide coordination for other services. Stars of Hope offices are located on Corellia, Laekia, Pamarthe, Sullust, Terminus, Kattada, and the Dawn Chaser.

Additional services of Starchaser Enterprises, including resource finding and collection, and hyperspace trailblazing must be requested by contacting the Corellia or Kattada office.


Any interested parties, including pilots, navigators, repair crews, and anyone with a desire to help lost spacers, please contact Starchaser Enterprises on Kattada and Corellia.

Coren Starchaser
CEO Starchaser Enterprises