A single Star Sloop came to rest in a small clearing within a grassy plains situated right near the base of a mountain range. Right ahead of the clearing was a large complex still under construction with workers still busy working on the many structures that would make up what would soon be known as the Regorian Academy. From the Sloop itself a single figure emerged, an elderly human male with fair skin and gray hair who wore a white uniform adorned with a rank insignia followed by a group of six heavily armed soldiers in black armor. Greeting this particular group of individuals was the wealthy Caridan Business magnate Reginald Orian who led the largest chain of orphanages across Carida.

Colonel. Welcome to Carida i hope your trip here was ple-” Reginald Orian was interrupted as the Colonel moved forth to speak. “Let’s skip the pleasantries Colonel. You told me you have vital information regarding the Grand Admiral right? I’d like to see it.” the Colonel said in a cold and calculating tone. “Ah yes. Right this way.

Reginald Orian would proceed to lead the Colonel and his escort inside the western most building of the complex which was almost complete. Upon entering the complex, the Colonel and his escort were lead into Orian’s living quarters where the buisnessman moved to retrive a holodisk which contained a recording before showing it to the Colonel. “This contains an audio recording obtained by one of my little birds, a transient worker who works in the Mines of Kolene

Orian would then place the disk into a holodevice that would begin playing the recording. It was about two men, most likely other transient workers who were in a conversation.

Did you hear what happened on Corellia?” the first worker asked. “No i coudn’t care less about what happens there. Those bastards don’t even care about us so why should i give two shits about them” the second worker responded. Despite the second workers response, ths first worker went on. “Apparently that demon, Sularen got caught by the Corellian authorities” he said. “It’s about time he got put behind bars for good. I lost my father and my brother because of that bastard.” the second worker said.

I didn’t come here to listen to some gossip about the Grand Admiral” the Colonel said, growing inpatient and uninterested about the ongoing conversation “Shhh. The best part is about to come” Orian interrupted, which earned him a death glare from the Colonel.

Well you’ll be glad to hear this. While Sularen was being transported to who knows where, he was abducted by a splinter cell Forgotten Sons!” the first worker said. “No way. the Forgotten Sons got to him?” the second worker repeated, in disbelief of how the Forgotten Sons could have snatched Sularen right under the nose of the Corellians. “Yeah and apparently he’s been brought here on Kolene to face the people’s justice for his crimes.” the first worker added.

That was when Orian paised the audio. “When was this audio taken?” the Colonel asked. “Two days ago” Orian responded. “Do you know where he’s being held?” the Colonel further asked. “If i knew that it would have been apart of the recording.” Orian said. “How much operatives you have in Kolene?” the Colonel asked one last time. “Not enough. Only a half dozen, all transient workers. Why?” Orian inquired. “Get them to scour Kolene for more information on the Grand Admiral and make arrangements to get more workers on Kolene if possible.” the Colonel ordered. “It won't be easy but i'll see what i can do." Orian responded. "But what will you do Colonel?” the Caridan further asked right as the Colonel was ready to leave the room. “I’ll rally the Empire, so that they can get their Warlord back.