I have been giving this a long amount of thought. But in the end, I feel I have no choice.

When I first joined Laertia, it was for what I felt were very good reasons. The Bryn'adul are a rampaging menace, and at the time, the Jedi Order with few exceptions seemed completely ignorant and calloused to the horrors I and Laertia witnessed at Nar Kreeta. Laertia felt it more deeply than I did. And it scarred her more.

At the time, your decision to fight the Sith seemed selfish and petty. And on some level, I still find it to be. But I understand why now. A lot better than I did at the time.

I forgot that you were people. People who suffered for years at the Sith's hands. People who were tired of letting the Sith get away with everything. People who would want that justice long denied them so badly that they would sooner open their own throats than team up with them, so much so that I still believe it was a form of monomaniacal obsession as bad as anything Xiphos expressed, but we'll never convince each other of anything on that point.

Which brings me to why I am writing this letter to the SJC.

I cannot support Laertia Io any more than I can support the Jedi at this point. Her methods have always been brutal, but lately they have become insane as well, and innocent people have been hurt. I will help you capture her, to put an end to a rampage I partly set in motion, to my eternal shame. But make no mistake, after that we will be the farthest from allies, even allies of convenience, in the war on Evil that we can possibly be without me becoming a full blown enemy of yours. I will never accept your argument that The Bryn'adul are not a greater threat than the Sith after Sarka. I will not attack you, or oppose you or your anti-sith policy. but make no mistake, after Xiphos, If I found you turning into an ice block, I wouldn't throw a lit match on you. That's how disgusted I am with the Jedi Order for what they did to taste victory over The Sith. But that doesn't mean Xiphos doesn't need stopping.

Laertia, if you're reading this, I urge you to surrender. Too many Jedi and others are dead over your cause, and though I have very little sympathy for the Jedi at this point, the amount of soldiers blood you bathed in, that I bathed in with you at points must end. I don't want to fight you. It turns my stomach to know that in stopping you, I'm giving these self righteous bastards what they want. But I can't let you do this anymore. You've destroyed yourself over this cause. And others who didn't need destroying. I don't want to fight you. Make it easy on both of us. I don't want to do this. But you have gone simply too far.

Please, end this peacefully. End it with whatever dignity is left in you to know when you are beaten. It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong anymore. They've won. And they will make sure you are remembered only as a villain if you persist. Don't end your life that way. I should have convinced you to stop after Dantooine. I probably should have done more to stop you before Dantooine. But there is no changing the past.

And if you find you cannot surrender, than... please...just disappear. Let them kill who they want to kill in peace. Let them suffer the consequences on their own. You tried forcing them to accept your argument and it didn't work. They hate you now. They won't listen. They weren't willing to listen even before you started killing them. What's the point in fighting them now except pure spite and hatred? Is that how you want to go down? Killing them because they couldn't shut off their desire for justice against the Sith as easily as it turned out you or I could, in spite of all the horrible things The Sith have done to you? That they didn't want to be robots, coldly turning off the past, coldly turning off their emotions, their moral integrity, just for a better shot at survival? Is that what you'll want to kill them for? If so, then there is no way you can justify it, to them or me, the woman who loves you, even now. If you continue killing them going forward, you won't be able to justify it in a military sense Everyone will see the next massacre for what it is. There will be no fog of war to justify or hide behind. Even you won't be able to lie to yourself.

The next massacre from you, should you choose that route, will be nothing but outright, naked revenge over them winning. And at that point, you won't be a rebel for a doomed cause. Just a sore loser.

But it doesn't have to be like that. You can still stop this, before you are lost forever to this mad spite you have taken into yourself like a poison.

Please Laertia, if there is anything left of the good woman who once fought the Sith as brutally as you now fight the Jedi, I urge that part to think on my words, and take it for the plea for your soul that it is.