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The death of Darth Strosius sent a rippling wave across his followers, most of whom watched it happen live on the Holonet. There was shock, outrage, horror, and overall chaos amidst the ranks of Wonosa and the Inquisition. Coming so soon after the loss of Formos made the death of their leader an even larger blow, first their home and now their High Priest. Both lost in the struggle for their very existence and future alike. Despite there being a hierarchy both socially and in the military, there had never quite been a clear successor to Darth Strosius nor even a proper individual set aside as a Second-in-Command. And without a clear leader, his followers splintered.

Most would retreat to Faldos and accept a joint authority between the Priests of Wonosa and the military leaders of the Inquisition as their interim leadership, a compromise between the skeptical and the faithful forged to ensure the survival of them both. Webs of defensive stations were set around even the most obscure hyperspace lanes into the system, prototype Stormseed mines and black market interdiction mines were deployed alongside them with the hope of making a screen of interference to deny any hyperspace jumps at all. They knew well enough that whether it be Malum or some other opportunistic vulture, there would be those coming to pick apart the remnants of the Lord Inquisitor's power and they weren't eager to face another struggle. For now they would bunker down and hope that the war with the Alliance would keep all eyes away from their little corner of space.

The Inquisition garrisons across various worlds in Sith space had a mixture of reactions as well, some would pull back to Faldos as ordered while others would keep up their duty and remain at their posts regardless of who was giving them orders. A handful of them just vanished into the night, leaving behind nothing but an empty barracks the slaughtered forms of their prisoners around a mural of their Lord Inquisitor's mask.

But not all of the Inquisition and Wonosa accepted this defeat so easily.

Five garrisons in particular would declare their loyalty to their New Emperor even in his death, storming the capital buildings of their worlds and announcing their secession from the wider Sith Order before the Planetary Defense Forces managed to put them down and rescind the announcement. Those that left for Faldos also opened up their prisons, letting their rabble-rousers back out onto the streets and stoking them into riots to cover their escape.

Across the Outer Rim the effect was even more prominent, with the various outposts and enclaves of Wonosa outright dismissing any orders to pull back from their positions. Their High Priest had given them their tasks and they had no intention of abandoning them. Overnight dozens of pirate dens and slaver auction houses would be set ablaze, their patrons and owners impaled or strewn about their altars of sin in a clear message that shook all the scum and villainy of the nearby systems. The Order of Wonosa wasn't done by any means, in fact they had just been let off their leash.

The eulogy of Darth Strosius was written by his followers in blood and fire, in fortifications and armaments, in cries of praise and mourning alike. Across Sith space and the Outer Rim was stoked the embers of revolt and revenge, with even some of the common populace untouched by Wonosan influence making displays of mourning to symbolize the loss of what could have been a new and more kind emperor.

There was one missive from Faldos that all of his followers did come to agree with however, even if their authority was still in question. Just as he had given titles and epithets to the Sith of old that he instructed them in, so to would he be given a posthumous title that would place him above all others in reverence forevermore. By decree of the Priests of Wonosa, Darth Strosius would be forever remembered as Urvaz Strosius tave Vi'Kas.

Darth Strosius the Prophet.