(Disclaimer: The Doctrine of the Empire to Come, unofficially known as The Braxiatel Doctrine, is a study of Emperor's Palpatine Galactic Empire and, more specifically, a way of qualitatively advancing the Tarkin Doctrine, whose inefficiency was proven after a coup of the forces that now constitute the so-called Galactic Alliance. The Doctrine of the Empire to Come is used in Nyriaan to train Imperial Staff against the Empire's harsh reality, and has yet to be shared to any other person.)

The Doctrine of the Empire to come must have in consideration the errors of the past. It must be strong and prepare all Imperials for the harsh reality of sacrifice to come, and to pave the glorious path of victory. During Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire, Grand Moff Tarkin had created the Imperial Communiqué #001044.92v, otherwise known as the Tarkin Doctrine, or The Rule of Fear. The Tarkin Doctrine was universally applied all around the Empire. During this study, I pretend to analise the application of this Doctrine and postulate how to advance it further, for an Empire to come, much stronger and resistant to turbulance.

Specter of the Past
The Tarkin Doctrine could be divided in three principles: Territorial Consolidation, Rapid Communication and, more infamously, the Rule of Fear. Because of its impopularity and principality within Tarkin's Doctrine, the Rule of Fear will be the first principle to be studied.
Rule of Fear
The Tarkin Doctrine was summarised by some, including Emperor Palpatine, as "rule through fear of force, rather than through force itself". This synthesis, while adequate, shows one of the deepest flaws of the Doctrine: the short-sighted idealism disguised as ruthless pragmatism. It wasn't by accident that Emperor Palpatine wholeheartedly embraced this idea, and ordered the construction of the Battle Station known as the Death Star: the Sith, of which Emperor Palpatine was the leader at the time, much benefit from fear. The magic this religious group uses apparently grows more with fear. Old Imperial documents even mention that the "dark side", as they name their magic, is strong in places or planets where particularly vile things happened. For example, during the Annihilation of Csilla, where suffering was enormous, and the death toll surpassed billions. While the Sith Order of old benefits from the chaos fear represents, the Empire benefits from imposing order against fear.

This is why the Death Star was no more than a shallow threat: it was a beacon of fear, contraposed to the apparent hope of the rebel terrorists. It pushed Imperial citizens to fear the Empire. The destruction of the Death Star by the hands of Luke Skywalker was not only the downfall of the old Galactic Empire, but of Tarkin and his conception of governing.

Both the Second Death Star and the Galaxy Gun fall under the same pretext mentioned before, all of them infamously destroyed by Luke Skywalker and the Rebels, and barely used before their destruction. Not only are weapons like these useless, but a constant source of expenditure. All the budget sightlesly spent during the weapons' construction and maintenance could be used in a better way either by focusing on smaller but more numerous battleships, weapons, scientific research, military research or troops to seize organised crime, agricultural research to stop the unfortunate but present hunger of Imperial planets beyond the core or simply to reinforce the ISB against the Rebels, all of those alternatives being a much proper and realistic way of tackling the problem of terrorism, and to center the Dark Empire's commitment to maintain order against the chaos of the Rebellion, now the so-called Galactic Alliance.

Territorial Consolidation
The so-called Territorial Consolidation was made in reaction to the Guerrilla strategy applied by the Rebels and other criminals. During chases, they cleverly crossed a Sector's border to stop persecution by Imperial Officers. The solution Tarkin gives, rather than tackle with the problem's root, reuses the Galactic Republic's idea of establishing Oversectors -that is, a collective of sectors- to unify the duty to command military operations, thereby creating the position of Grand Moff to oversee it. The idea of Oversectors isn't bad: it actually further centralizes the Dark Empire in orderly hierarchies, speaking only of military gains, but it isn't the solution to the terrorist problem either.

The only reason passing a Sector or an oversector's border is such a great logistical and military problem to our Empire is that, again, the old Galactic Empire greatly encouraged power struggle and chaos between the Imperial Staff. It's very common to see Planetary Governors and even Moffs attacking each other in individualistic and self-promoting fights, while the Empire's wellbeing is put on second place. Using an anecdote, during the Purge I organised in Nyriaan, 5 of the 12 top-ranking officers falsified information linking the Rebellion with their colleagues to guarantee their hegemony in the imperial ranks.

Once more, we see how the Sith Order's conception of enforcing chaos over order harms the Empire. Instead of fighting for orderly unity, our ranks fight themselves while terrorists and criminals rejoice and abuse this evident weakness. If we want to see Territorial Consolidation, we have first to guarantee ideological hegemony within our very ranks: that is, to purge self-indulgency, individualism and luxury from our Empire's ideology. In synthesis, we must fight for Ideological Consolidation to guarantee Territorial Consolidation.

This is also a solution to a problem Tarkin couldn't foresee, both because of unpreparedness and arrogance: after the death of Emperor Palpatine, the Empire wasn't able to sustain itself and was divided by hundreds of power-hungry imperial warlords, that far from wanting to secure the swift reemergence of the Empire, bickered to be the new Emperor. Something that even Emperor Palpatine's return to life wasn't able to stop, may I add. If most of the warlords were ideologically consistent with the Empire and the Imperial ideology, the Empire -still with superior military power than the slowly growing "New Republic"- would be able to revert the Civil War's results.

Another sign of ideological impurity from our ranks is shown when, only 8 years after the death of Emperor Palpatine, Gillad Pellaeon, the traitor, and his band of clowns calling themselves Moffs, capitulated from the war against the Rebellion and surrendered, claiming it was the only way to secure the Empire. Our imperial ideology was dissolved in the name of foundless pragmatism and, when the time came to secure the galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong, our hands were tied. More recently, the lack of ideological hegemony caused the formation of the laughably inconsistent "Empire" of the Lost, with their apparent tolerance for "reformists" and "moderates" -embellished words for the degeneracy they hold so dear-, keeping their borders open with the Rebellion and following the traitorous pragmatist path of losses and mockery Gillad Pellaeon so dearly envisioned and paved.

Rapid Communication
The most nonsensical tenet of the Tarkin Doctrine, it completely blocked the HoloNet from Imperial Citizens and limited it to the Imperial Navy, as well as establishing a communication hierarchy in the Empire's navy. While the orderly hierarchy established by this principle is welcomed, banning the HoloNet caused the sudden rise of bootleg transceivers in Imperial territory, not only defeating the Doctrine's intent, but making the illegal option more viable instead of intelligently using ISB's services as a Secret Bureau. Instead of having the HoloNet indispensable for the Rebellion and then using the ISB to monitor their every move directly from the bureau, it opened an overlooked blind spot in our security that couldn't be tackled until it was too late.
Vision of the Future
A historical analysis of the weaknesses and merits of the Empire of old would be empty if not used for the betterment of the Empire to come. The Empire and its ideology must achieve a qualitative change for us to have a more scientific, valid conception of our society and how to achieve victory. This is why, I have organised the Doctrine of the Empire to Come in the following principles: Rule of Order, Ideological Consolidation, Constant Vigilance.
Rule of Order
Instead of the Rule of Fear postulated by the Tarkin Doctrine, the Empire to come needs to adopt the synthesis "Rule through Order, Order against Fear". The Imperial Citizen should not fear the Empire, but embrace its order against the chaos that is rebellion and terrorism. Our main objective is not to control our citizens, but make a system based on meritocracy, where laziness and weakness is frowned upon and actively fought against. Where only the active, the most fit, who faces the most hardships, with greater initiative will achieve the Empire's High Ranks, instead of the egotistical and soft leadership the ideologies alien to the Empire praises so much.

We have to show every Imperial Citizen the Empire's strong grip and guiding hand and, by doing so, they will naturally realise the necessity of an Empire to secure order to the galaxy. For that to be, everything should be made as consistently and efficiently as possible.

Ideological Consolidation
Palpatine's Galactic Empire, and the Galactic Republic for that matter, wasn't overthrown by a war against the Yuuzhan Vong, or by an unforeseeable event. Rather, it was caused by the expression and the mishandling of internal contradictions: a Civil War, fueled by our own ideological degeneracy. The Imperial Staff should be -and I don't use that word lightly- fanatical to the Empire, in a way that purges all sense of individuality in function to complete submission and sense of duty to the Empire. The Empire should instigate it, and have political overseers ascertain every High-Ranking Imperial is completely loyal to the Empire's ideology, rather than a person. Ideological unity means unity in action, and unity in thought. By making our ranks as concisive as possible and by ridding ourselves of benefits, we will facilitate coordination between Moffs, governors and agencies, and shield ourselves from destruction from within.

Constant Vigilance
While Imperial citizens need to feel both free and secure, freedom must always be secondary to security. By funding the ISB, giving it more freedom and using our infrastructure more creatively, we can monitor every means of communication in Imperial Territory, and more easily detect dissence even before it happens. The foundation of Labor Unions and other corporative organisations is good for the Empire, because it gives a sensation of freedom to our citizens while it adds a new way of control, security and vigilance to our part. The same goes for the HoloNet -limited liberties as a means of vigilance.

It is only by following these three tenets that the Empire will finally achieve its deserved victory. I highly encourage any staff, any leader, any imperial studying these writings to add and critique the Doctrine of the Empire to Come, knowing that the Imperial ideology is also scientific, and by being scientific it can't be beaten, only developed.