The Hall of Ortho stretched for considerable miles underneath Mount Tuvar on the world of Skraalzzar. Once home to the Dwarrow of Banathuron and then the Seven Clandoms of Skraal which now occupy the planet after a massive war in ancient years. The Once Mighty Dwarrow Fortress had been twisted and corrupted with the foul power of the Techno Magorum Tribe which now lay claim to the world. Its towering battlements hold firm and steady as the stone cracks underneath the pressure of machinery. Its entrance covered by nefarious monsters and brainwashed soliders. Banners hang loosly upon the walls; carved with the foul imagery of the Renegade Mawite Tribe.

Beyond that sealed entrance within the very depths of the fortress lay the Hidden Chamber; the personal abode of the Second Prophet of the Great Vortex known as Korious Tharenai. Once a proud ashlan crusader fighting for the light side of the force on various worlds. Corrupted by the First Prophet Arimurkhan the Defiler and molded by the Eldritch Entity known as the Great Vortex into a terror unlike any other.

The heavy sound of armored boots rang out amongst the thunderous hall of Ortho as the individual passed by pillar after pillar which supported the structure deep underground. Moving through layer after layer of the fortress until finally coming across the Hidden Chamber located at the very bottom of it. A single touch of his hand on the otherwise locked door clicked open allowing the towering figure to make his approach towards his throne room located near the back. Within his armored hand lay an ancient chalice known only to the Sangnir Highbloods filled with blood which fuels the prophet's growing ability.

"The Madness is beginning to consume me. IT IS UNFAIR!!!!!."

Koious spoke to no one but himself as his words rang out amongst the empty chamber. For decades the madness of the sangnir had remain dormant as he overindulged in the blood of others without care or concern about the consequences. He clutched his fist as a small cracking sound occured due to the pressure upon the chalice within his hand. Throwing the mostly crushed object to the floor with a smash as the blood from it flooded the floor now. His sanity returned after that action; pressing his hand against his pale and cracked face in a sighing gesture.

I am the Exalted Prophet; Heir to Arimurkhan and yet my resolve is shaken due to biological limitations beyond my contr....

"My Prophet"
His words stopped by a singular word towards him not from his own lips; his red eyes scanned around the area with untold fear. Before he could respond nor do any action, it would seem as if his person had vanished from the material realm into the Netherworld of the Force. The area around him made little sense as shapes twisted and broke apart and the skyline was a mixture of chaotic patterns. A single buzz of light took his notice; leading him deeper and deeper into the dark forest. Before him was a shape of unrivaled beauty by also chaotic madness.

Cover artwork by Pedro Sena for the upcoming Analepsy album titled  'QUIESCENCE' : r/ImaginaryLandscapes

A scene uncompensable to the mortal eyes as the forest seemed to vanish; replaced with floating sky and rocky terrain. The figure if one could call it that towered above him as a swirling vortex seemed to appear from his eye onto the ground. The winds picked up into a considerable hurricane as korious's cloak flew in the wind and he struggled to remain balanced. He barely managed to retain himself as his composure was lost in an instinct and he fell to his knees in terror.

"Why have you summoned me here!!!"

He barely managed to sound out; unaware if his deity could answer him or this was merely an illusion from the madness slowly overtaking his mind.

"The Three Avatars have been shaken in their confidence of the Brotherhood after their defeat. It is time for the Techno Magorum to rise from hiding and bring about the final cycle for the galaxy."

The Eldritch Entity answered him as his voice boomed out from the vortex into the surrounding sky. Korious understood what his deity was suggesting. The Final Cycle was the engineered plan where there will be no such thing as a galactic rebirth as the Three Avatars and the Maw believed. Instead the final end of the galaxy would soon come; consumed by the power of the great vortex and his chosen prophet. He alone understood this truth while the rest of the Techno Magorum was blinded by false ideals to keep them content.

"As you command, Great Vortex"

He managed to utter out, as even on his knees he slipped onto the rocks. The immense power flowing throughout the valley made his seem weak and frail by comparison. He realized that he was nothing but a pawn to be disposed off when the vortex no longer believed he could accomplish this task. His master had lost the deity's faith and had died by a Jedi Strike Team before the great battle at Tython.

"Go now, prophet. Follow my whim"
The Great Vortex spoke as the hurricane force winds picked up even further until they seemed to knock down even the mountains of the floating vallery; slowly lifting the prophet high into the sky. The harsh winds dragging him into the never-ending vortex that emerged from his vortex mouth into eternal darkness.

Korious awoke with a gasp as he looked around the chamber; he was still on his throne within the Hidden Chamber. His red eyes scanned to the floor where the cup was still broken into many peices and the red blood had dried upon the stone. He rubbed his eyes for just a brief moment to readjust his vision. Thoughts and planned came searching through his already fractured mind and he wondered if that was simply a dream or an illusion from the madness of being a sangnir. However he wanted to believe that he had the faith of the great vortex even if it didn't really exist.

The End was Near and the Techno Magorum Tribe must survive.