



The first secretive order Moff Braxiatel gave to top Imperial staff in Nyriaan was to closely observe their neighbour high-ranking imperial, get access to their droids and personal communicators. Unbeknownst to each Imperial Officer, the order was made to every one of them, ensuring that everyone working in the Imperial Hedquarters is to be investigated. Every Imperial would make their report. A mere month after the order was given, every report was sent to the Moff's personal terminal. A public reunion was called for the next day, with the 12 top-ranking imperials and their most close subordinates. The event was being recorded to be shown in Imperial HoloNet for all citizens to see.

The Reunion was made in front of the Imperial Headquarters, at the center of Locus, which was properly secured by Commando Troopers chosen personally by Moff Braxiatel,. using the same strategy he was to use here. The Imperial Staff was organised in lines, following standard imperial protocol. The event was, more than nothing, a demonstration of strenght to the population. The Moff was in front of the lines in a very rigid position of Attention. He didn't need to shout, his voice was firm enough to be understood with the help of a microphone. The place was full of Nyriaanian citizens, eager to see such spectacle in front of them, in a planet that seemed to be forgotten by the Dark Empire before the Moff's arrival.

"Soldiers, Attention!". All Imperial staff uniformely entered the Attention position. "Present Arms!", and so they presented. The Moff waited in silence for a minute, only to begin his speech, adopting a relaxed position, hands behind his back. "Imperial Citizens of Nyriaan. The top-ranking officials of the Dark Empire are joined here to present our services to the planet. It is during times of relative peace that some of us forget our duty to defend the Dark Empire and its citizens of any evil. That happens mostly because, even in times of relative peace, conflict doesn't ever end. In times of war, the enemy attacks from outside, and we can clearly see their machinations against our society. We become more tense, more prepared to fight the battles to come. In times of peace, though, the enemy attacks from within. It attacks within our very minds, when we let ourselves be attacked by the pests that are untidiness, arrogance and self-promotion. A great number of us become blind to internal attacks much because of that".

"This is why I have ordered every Commander here to investigate each other, and report any case of rebel infiltration. Our findings have pointed that only one of our 12 commanders is a spy".
Commander Max Sthurn, the infiltrator, becomes very tense when this is mentioned. The moment the spy looks around to begin running, he can clearly see a commando sniper far away, pointing exactly at his head. He froze, and the Moff continued. "Commander Max Sthurn, ground arms and make a line in front of your colleagues. When you are executed, your body will be sent to your family. That is a luxury you will get only if you die a noble death, by execution". The spy seems to think a lot for a minute or two. From a distance, he can see his family secured by two troopers, not to threaten him but to protect them from the populace's rage. The rebel breaks, and follows Moff Braxiatel's order. The speech isn't over, though, and he continues.

"Commander Max Sthurn was the only spy infiltrated in our lines. However, 5 other commanders, in their constant need for self-promotion and individualism, have forged evidence against their comrades-in-arms, and this is the most disgraceful act of betrayal. By poisoning themselves with the sickness of individualism and of a luxurious lifestyle, they have forgotten their duty to serve the Dark Empire and its citizens above any sense of loathful individuality. By trying to kill their comrades-in-arms, they have ultimately done the enemy's work, and have betrayed everything our citizens helds dear. Their bodies won't have the honour to be buried, nor to be given to their families. They will be cremated and thrown in space, distant enough to not burden the planet with its presence. The five traitors, ground your arms and form a line with the rebel spy. You will not have the luxury of a blindfold, and you will face me, to be shot in the back, as you've done to your colleagues". Evner had a potent, calm voice, even if he himself was feeling rage deep within. The Dark Empire has come to that: half of his commanders were traitors or spies. Disgraceful. "The line behind the 6 commanders will join them". Surprisingly, there is no resistance from the 5 traitors. They knew exactly what they have done, and for a reason or another, followed Moff Braxiatel's order with a discipline non-existant in them before.

"Soldiers, prepare arms." A pause, while they did it. "Point arms!" , the Moff waited for a moment, looking directly at the traitors and the spy to see their reaction. Yes, they all had the discipline they were lacking. A quick look at the firing squad and the rest of his troops would also confirm they have reached a new unity. "FIRE!"

A shower of blaster bolts reached the former commanders. Their limp bodies fell to the ground, lifeless. A minute passed, and indeed: all soldiers have aimed at a target, and have shot at the same time. Finally, the intention of the whole event was unveiled. To show the Imperial Citizens from across the Dark Empire's territory what must be done to ascertain unity, prosperity and victory for the Empire. Everything Evner might've said after that powerful demonstration would be in vain, already demonstrated by that execution. "You are dismissed", he limited himself to say, entering the Imperial Headquarters for once. The recording was over.
  • ohyeah
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