GNN Anchor – Joran Kael:
"Blood on the marble. A wedding turned funeral. A nation in mourning, and a monarchy teetering on the edge of chaos. Tonight, the Kael Report brings you the full story behind the tragedy that has shaken the Hapes Consortium to its core."

"What was meant to be a grand unifying ceremony between Prince Astor Daaray and Lady Shaya Khal became a bloodbath. Explosions rocked the capital. The bride was slain at the altar. The prince was cut down in cold blood. And now, the Hapan throne faces its greatest crisis in living memory."

"Who was behind it? What do they want? And more importantly—what happens now?"


GNN Correspondent, Ta'a Chume'Dan:
"Standing here in the ruins of the Fountain Palace, it is impossible to ignore the gravity of what has happened. The stained-glass windows that once adorned the ceremonial hall lie in shards across the marble floor. The altar, where Prince Astor and Lady Shaya were meant to pledge themselves to one another, is stained with their blood. The final moments of the couple were spent not in union, but in death."

"The attack began with distant explosions—one, then another, creeping closer. Panic spread through the assembled guests, but the ceremony continued, right up until the moment a figure, disguised as Lord Isolder Khal, approached the bride... and plunged a dagger into her back."

"Chaos erupted. More attackers emerged, concealed among the nobility, their weapons turned on guards and guests alike. Among them was Kalen, a known leader of the Crimson Veil—a radical anti-matriarchy insurgency that has long opposed Hapan rule."

"But the bloodshed didn't stop with Lady Shaya. Prince Astor fought back, but was ultimately overpowered. Kalen drove a blade into the prince's chest, ensuring his death before escaping with the rest of the insurgents. By the time the dust settled, both bride and groom lay dead, and the attackers were gone."


"The Crimson Veil has long lurked in the shadows of Hapan politics. Their message is clear: the monarchy must fall, and the centuries-old matriarchal system must be dismantled. But never before have they acted so brazenly, so publicly, and with such calculated precision."

"In a chilling broadcast from within the palace, one of their operatives seized a journalist's microphone and delivered their manifesto to the galaxy: 'You can't sweep this under the rug. You can't pretend this isn't happening. We're not going to shut up. We're not backing down. We're not going to stand by and take it anymore. Screw the Alliance, screw the Jedi. Hang the Queen Mother and the Chancellor. Long live the Crimson Veil!'"

"Their methods are clear: assassination, sabotage, open revolt. But their objective remains chillingly ambiguous. Was this attack meant to inspire further rebellion? To destabilize Hapes from within? Or was it merely vengeance against a system that has long oppressed half its population?"


"For the Hapan monarchy, this is more than a tragedy—it is a direct threat to its survival. The death of Prince Astor Daaray has left Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray without her brother, without her strongest political ally, and without a clear heir to carry the dynasty forward."

"Despite the chaos, the Queen Mother was swiftly evacuated by the Chume'doro, ensuring the survival of the monarchy's highest authority. But survival is not enough. A response is required. And in a nation as volatile as Hapes, silence is not an option."

"The Crimson Veil has made their move. The question now is: how will the Queen Mother respond?"


"Among the guests at the wedding were several members of the Jedi Order, including Knights Briana Sal-Soren and Kahne Porte, alongside their Padawans. While many fought to protect the guests and counter the insurgents, others, disturbingly, appeared to act in ways that raise questions."

"Footage captured within the palace shows a Jedi—identified as Oukranos Cthylla—actively preventing another Jedi from engaging Kalen, the assassin of Prince Astor. The full context remains unclear, but the implication is damning. Was this an act of mercy? Or something far worse?"

"Whatever the truth may be, the fact remains that a terrorist organization executed a sitting prince in the presence of Jedi, and escaped. That is an image the Order will struggle to explain."


"The Hapan capital, Ta'a Chume'Dan, is in turmoil. The Queen Mother has retreated into security, and the nobility—once firm in their control—now look over their shoulders, wondering if they are next. The Crimson Veil, meanwhile, has disappeared into the shadows, emboldened by their victory."

"This was not a protest. This was not a warning. This was an execution."

"And now, Hapes must decide how it will respond."

"Will Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray retaliate with an iron fist, risking further rebellion? Will the Galactic Alliance intervene, or remain on the sidelines? And will the Crimson Veil strike again before their enemies can recover?"

"One thing is certain: the Hapes Consortium will never be the same."

GNN Anchor – Joran Kael:
"Tonight, we have witnessed the shattering of a kingdom. The fall of a prince. The rise of a rebellion. But this is not just a Hapan crisis—it is a lesson for the entire galaxy."

"If a monarchy as powerful as Hapes can be struck down from within, what does that say for the rest of us? If a rebel movement can infiltrate the highest echelons of power, then where else are they hiding? And if a prince, standing in the heart of his own palace, surrounded by his own people, can be slaughtered like a common criminal... then who among us is truly safe?"

"The answers to these questions are still unfolding. But one thing is clear—Hapes is now a kingdom at war with itself. And as history has proven time and time again, when a nation fights itself, the only real winner... is the grave."

"This is Joran Kael, and you're watching The Kael Report—bringing you the truth, no matter where it leads."