Joran Kael, GNN Anchor:
*"For two weeks, the Lilaste Order has traveled across the hyperlanes, their fleet moving with precision and purpose, avoiding major population centers and refusing all attempts at communication. Now, their long journey has brought them here—to the Orinackra System.

Earlier today, the full might of the Lilaste fleet emerged from hyperspace at the edge of the system, maintaining their disciplined formation. Their arrival was neither rushed nor hesitant. It was a controlled maneuver, executed with the same calculated approach that has defined their exodus since they left the Mid Rim.

But this was not their final destination."*

*"Minutes after their arrival, a single battlecruiser broke formation and jumped to hyperspace, heading for Bastion, the capital of the Diarchy. At the time, there was no indication of what this meant. Was this an envoy? A scout? A test of the Diarchy’s reaction?

Then, hours later, the real shift occurred. A significant portion of the fleet followed. Capital ships, battlecruisers, and escort vessels made the jump to Bastion, leaving behind one unmistakable sign that this maneuver was carefully planned—Aurora Station, their massive mobile command base, and an escort fleet remained in Orinackra."*

"This move raises more questions than answers. If Bastion was the true destination, why leave their station behind? Why send a single ship first? And more importantly—why, upon their arrival at Bastion, did all communications with the system go silent?"

"This is The Kael Report, and I’m Joran Kael. Let’s break down what we know so far."



GNN Correspondent, Orinackra System:
*"When the Lilaste Order arrived in Orinackra, there was no immediate attempt to communicate with local authorities. The fleet emerged in tight formation, holding defensive postures, but showed no sign of hostility. They did not approach populated worlds. They did not send envoys. They simply arrived—and then they waited.

The moment that battlecruiser left formation and jumped to Bastion, observers in Orinackra knew that something was different about this maneuver. This was not a standard fleet arrival. This was a carefully structured operation.

And then, hours later, the rest of the fleet made its move. But not all of it."*

*"Aurora Station remains here, along with a dedicated escort fleet. This raises several possibilities.

One possibility is logistical caution—perhaps the Order is awaiting clearance before moving their command station forward.

Another possibility is a fallback plan. If the negotiations over Bastion go badly, this portion of the fleet remains in a defensible position.

But the most intriguing theory? Uncertainty. If there are internal divisions within the Order about this next step, keeping Aurora Station in Orinackra allows for a potential course correction. This could indicate that their leadership is waiting to see how Bastion responds before making a full commitment."*



Joran Kael, GNN Anchor:
*"Here is where things take a turn.

The moment the Lilaste fleet arrived at Bastion, all external monitoring of the system was cut off.

We have no visual confirmation of their fleet’s status. We have no official response from the Diarchy. We have no access to Bastion’s orbital communications.

This is not a matter of poor sensor coverage. This is deliberate.

The Diarchy has denied all external access to Bastion’s system—including to press and diplomatic observers. Our requests for clearance have been ignored or outright denied.

The timing is no coincidence. The Diarchy does not want outside eyes on what is happening right now over their capital. And that raises a dangerous question:




GNN Correspondent, Bastion System (Transmission Cut Before Clearance Denied):
*"Before we lost access, there was something else—something that could change the nature of this entire event.

At the time of the Lilaste Order’s arrival, several warships belonging to the Empire of the Lost were also present in Bastion’s orbit.

We were able to confirm at least a Star Destroyer, a Super Star Destroyer, and a Battlecruiser—all bearing EOTL transponders.

The presence of the Empire of the Lost in Bastion raises a troubling scenario. If this were a routine diplomatic meeting, why the secrecy? Why block all external observers?

Did the Lilaste Order know the EOTL ships were there before they arrived? If not, what did they walk into?"*

*"There are now three possible explanations for the blackout over Bastion.

First, a diplomatic summit. If the Diarchy, the Lilaste Order, and the Empire of the Lost are engaging in negotiations, secrecy would prevent outside interference.

Second, a military agreement. The Lilaste Order is a powerful fleet, and the EOTL is an enigmatic force in the galactic power structure. If an alliance or military pact is being forged, the blackout ensures the rest of the galaxy remains unaware—until it’s too late to stop it.

Third, a standoff. The Lilaste fleet arrived expecting one scenario and found another. If the Diarchy did not inform them about the EOTL presence beforehand, we may be looking at an armed confrontation right now—one the galaxy has no eyes on.

All we know for certain is this—the moment the Lilaste fleet arrived, Bastion shut the rest of the galaxy out."*



GNN Correspondent, Orinackra System:
*"Right now, the only certainty is uncertainty itself.

The Lilaste Order has arrived at Bastion, but the Diarchy is keeping the galaxy out of the conversation. We do not know what is being said behind closed doors. We do not know if negotiations are happening—or if weapons are being drawn.

And now, with the Empire of the Lost involved, the situation has become even more unpredictable.

The fate of this fleet, of this faction, is now in the hands of a government that does not answer to outside influence.

All we can do now is wait. And watch. And hope that the next time we hear from Bastion, it will be in the form of an update, and not a battle report."*


Joran Kael, GNN Anchor:

*"The Lilaste Order has arrived. The Diarchy has sealed its borders. And now, the Empire of the Lost has entered the equation.

What happens next, we may not know
until it’s already decided.

This is The Kael Report, bringing you the truth—no matter where it leads."*
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