In the aftermath of the invasion, Coruscant lay in ruins. Among the chaos, a group of prisoners, their release dates imminent, were conscripted into manual labor, tasked with clearing rubble and navigating the treacherous maze that was the Undercity. The group moved in a slow, somber line, their efforts monitored by stern-faced Coruscanti Police officers armed and ready for retaliation from leftover Dark Empire remnants and the prisoners themselves.

Among these inmates was a man who stood out from the rest. While the others worked with a mix of resignation and cautious hope, he exhibited a starkly different demeanor. His eyes darted wildly, paranoia etched into every line of his face. He muttered to himself, sometimes shouting incoherently. Acts of sudden violence became frequent, his hallucinations compelling him to lash out at invisible threats. The officers had been watching him closely, and it didn't take long for them to decide that he was a danger to both himself and others. During a particularly violent episode, he was forcefully subdued and removed from the group. His hands were bound, and he was escorted to a nearby medical facility, where he would be assessed further.

In the sterile environment of the medical facility, the inmate was strapped to a bed. Medical droids and doctors hovered around him, running an array of tests. Despite their best efforts, the results were inconclusive. There was no medical or psychological explanation that could fully account for his condition.

Days turned into weeks, and the man's condition seemed to deteriorate. His fits of violence grew more intense, and his paranoia more pronounced. The doctors were at a loss, their advanced diagnostics providing no answers. They were about to conclude that his condition was a result of trauma from the invasion when something happened. Late one night, as the inmate lay restrained in his bed, the room was suddenly bathed in an eerie yellow-green glow. The medical droids, programmed to detect anomalies, immediately alerted the doctors. As they rushed to the room, they saw the light emanating from the man himself. His eyes glowed with the same unnatural hue, and he spoke in a language none of them could understand.

Realization dawned on the medical team: this was no ordinary case of trauma or psychosis. Something far more sinister was at play. The glow seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, hinting at a dark force prowling about the inmate's body.

