A sandstone and golden colored ship, the Nautilos is lightly sentient, a combination of ancient technology that has been merged with the Force. Awakened by blasts of the Force against a foe, the ship began to recharge enough to get its defensive and flight systems in line, only fully charging when exposed to solar radiation, in the way a coral pulls energy from the sun despite being submerged in the water.
A connection to other ancient Arda tech that has been uncovered by the Blue Coral Divers clan, including weapons and a crystal-computing system, with false kyber crystals made of an oceanic obsidian, that can store energy, information, and thoughts. When brought aboard, the crystal that Brooke Waters has was able to provide the ship with more updated locations of the world of Arda for its hyperspace coordination.
The ship displayed a self awareness to move energy to weapon systems to defeat the Lurker of Mezokara, an eldritch monster that fed off the Force and controlled the minds of local cultists, the ship opened up a small cannon not unlike those found on Coralskippers of the Yuuzhan Vong, but more elegant, and merging heavily on the technology side.
The ship is fast, and designed to serve a pilot and small group as a primary shuttle, rather than a full blown gunboat and assault ship. The ship has several small chambers and closets, including one small armory that had weapons of a similar color and ancient-elegant design.
Made of an unknown alloy, seemingly shaped from a durasteel-type metal, and coral, the ship is tan and gold, with iridescent blue inlays. Very sophisticated, the weapon systems appear to move in and out of the hull. The engine units remain hidden at the back of the ship, as does the shield generator. Landing gear deploys similar to the Sheathipede-class shuttle.
Part of a larger fleet, the Nautilos is working to help ferry the Blue Corals Divers around, at the direction and assistance of Brooke Waters, with a goal of its own-- to learn about the galaxy, and seek out the remnants of the Ardan Civilization.