
The Tingel Arm Coalition is mere days away from what is considered its most significant military operation, the mobilization of our Fleet and Rebel Forces against the Empire of the Lost's control of Mon Cala and Lothal. As a member of the Aquilian Rangers, I've been tasked with taking part in the attack against the Imperial Occupation of the Capital City.

As a former Jedi, I'm fighting with everything I've been taught as a kid, using violence only as a last resort when there's no alternative option, but part of me wants to justify this with the potential harm that Imperial Occupation is likely causing for the civilian life there. Historically, the Empire was recorded as ruling with absolute dominion over others. It was a dictatorship, unlike the democracy that is the Galactic Alliance. Civilians were forced to conform, or they were harshly punished: Beaten up, arrested, and some killed.

Leading any group of people, large or small, means being responsible for their well-being. If the wrong kind of people are in a position of leadership, the people can suffer for it. There have been times when politicians have become corrupt, and wars have broken out, like the ancient Republic and the fall of the Jedi Order of old. I don't know of any recent incidents like this in the Galactic Alliance, but thankfully I trust that the Alliance would hold someone accountable if they tried to take advantage of their position in power.

The Outer Rim Territories and, by extension, the Tingel Arm have always been known to be relatively lawless and wild, but there's a big difference between fair governance and the oppression of sentient rights, excess of force and corruption of leadership. Before the Empire of the Lost and the Sith Order found their way to the southern territories of the Outer Rim, the Rimward Trade League was the last bastion of democracy out here. Perhaps democracy might be the wrong word, but they allowed the worlds to govern themselves while providing support where it was needed.

If this operation succeeds, the Mon Cala Shipyards will vastly bolster our Fleet and enable us to bring stability back to those who wish to join us. So far, nine world's have rallied under our banner and word is that there are others positioned on Lothal and Mon Cala, waiting for our signal. This operation will be chaotic, resembling much of what Coruscant was. But Coruscant reminds me of what the Imperials can do if left unchecked. There must be a deterrent to make them think twice about stamping down on the rights of good and free people.

I'm not looking forward to being on the ground, though. Fighting in the Jedi Temple was insane and frightening. It was a desperate battle, not just to help the New Jedi Order but to save myself. Different from saber practice and sparring. When I could best one opponent, there would be another. Then another one. It was exhausting. Lothal's going to be no different. People are going to be hurt and likely killed in the fighting. I still remember the people we lost on Coruscant. They're images that don't leave your mind. Despite my Jedi training, the horror of war cannot be overstated. We take on this burden so that others don't have to experience it themselves. We sacrifice our peace of mind and chance for an everyday life so that others can live safely, freely and happily.

While I'm writing this relatively quickly right now, the day the fighting begins will be intense. They're wrong if people believe that Jedi do not show or feel fear. I know what I'm walking into. I could very well be killed, and the likelihood that I will see some of my friends and allies die down there is high. I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst, hoping for the best and placing my trust in the Force to guide me.

I wouldn't say it to anyone else, but I have to admit, I'm nervous. I know what I'm doing is for the right reasons, but that doesn't make the coming battle any less daunting. I pray the Force is with me on the day.