Objective: Bust Smuggling Operation

Ko’s recent investigation and efforts have started to pay off. Around the Hydian Way where the Galactic Alliance, Mandalorians, and Dark Empire collide was a hot bed of chaos. In the center of all of it was Taris, an ecumenopolis with a very checkered past. Even recent events have brought devastation to it once more. Devastation that Ko himself had put energy and time into healing.
Right now the Kel Dor Jedi stood within a starport on the planet’s surface. With him was a team of sector rangers who were currently identifying a dozen suspected smugglers under arrest. They were piloting an unmarked freighter that Ko had tracked from The Myrkr system, where they had collected their illicit goods. They were animal traffickers. Poaching and capturing the rare creatures from Myrkr itself. The remote, practically uninhabited planet had always been something of a safe haven for outlaws and was largely avoided by Jedi. Full of predators that would hunt a Force Sensitive as well as animals that made it far more difficult to combat such adept natural hunters.
Even now standing out of the freighter Ko could feel the effects of the creatures that were contained within. Removing even his passive influence on The Force. Likely destined to be sold off to the enemies of The Jedi across the mid and outer rim. Using the Hydian Way and Daragon Trail to quickly move between sectors away from the Galactic Aliance’s influence.
“Hey Jedi! Wanna take a look at this?” One of the rangers called out to Ko from the freighter’s boarding ramp. Sparking Ko’s curiosity he made his way over to the ship. Stepping inside the neutralizing aura of the ship’s “cargo” was even more profound. Making Ko’s vision far more blurry. Still able to see enough to avoid any obstacles but not enough to perceive things clearly or in detail. Inside the freighter’s cargo hold were large rectangular blocks stacked atop and packed rather neatly to be space efficient. Stepping closer to one of the large blocks Ko ran his clawed hand across it. It had a bumpy texture until he felt what seemed to be a sculpture. The sculpture of an angry beast.
It made Ko’s heart sink. It was vornkser, multiple of them trapped together within a block of solid carbonite. Ko figured they were being smuggled to sell to rare animal collectors or more militant groups and individuals who would seek to use their abilities to hunt people much like himself. Now he found them stuffed together into solid mass just to make transporting them easier. Ko couldn’t tell if that was a mercy or not to the animals. Keeping them unaware of the journey from their homes. If not for the carbonite then they would likely be going rabbid about now over Ko’s presence. Sensing his connection to The Force and trying to eat him.
Another large stack of carbonite was full of ysalamiri. Still attached to the branches they were likely found connected to. Their purpose was even more clear to the Jedi. Possibly one of the most abused and exploited species in the galaxy for their ability to naturally neutralize anyone’s abilities to influence The Force.
Ko noticed some other large containers and spoke up. “What about these ones, what do they contain?”
“Lumber, evidence suggests they are likely from Olbio Trees. Harvested from Myrkr like the animals here.” One of the Ranger’s around Ko answered.
“Lumber, but no living trees… the fools. These ysalamiri won’t live for very long once they’re thawed. Unless they have live trees or nutrient packs ready they’ll all starve to death. Maybe… they could be trying to harvest the mandalorian iron from the lumber.”
“You can do that?” One of the rangers asked.
“Not really as far as I’m aware, they contain a high amount of beskar. But I don’t think it’s enough to do anything with. You’d probably need to clear an entire forest to get anything out of it. But I’m sure they can find someone rich enough, and dumb enough to sell all this wood to. Thinking they can make themselves a suit of mandalorian armor with it. But I’m really just speculating.” Ko explained, sharing his logic and reasoning for why they have crates full of Olbio lumber.
For the nature loving Jedi this was all rather depressing. It pained him to know how much these poor lizards were exploited for their natural talents by the unjust pits of The Galaxy. Either smuggled off world to be weaponized or bred and cloned to serve the same purpose. Ko felt like something needed to change. Just for the sake of these innocent creatures.
Right now the Kel Dor Jedi stood within a starport on the planet’s surface. With him was a team of sector rangers who were currently identifying a dozen suspected smugglers under arrest. They were piloting an unmarked freighter that Ko had tracked from The Myrkr system, where they had collected their illicit goods. They were animal traffickers. Poaching and capturing the rare creatures from Myrkr itself. The remote, practically uninhabited planet had always been something of a safe haven for outlaws and was largely avoided by Jedi. Full of predators that would hunt a Force Sensitive as well as animals that made it far more difficult to combat such adept natural hunters.
Even now standing out of the freighter Ko could feel the effects of the creatures that were contained within. Removing even his passive influence on The Force. Likely destined to be sold off to the enemies of The Jedi across the mid and outer rim. Using the Hydian Way and Daragon Trail to quickly move between sectors away from the Galactic Aliance’s influence.
“Hey Jedi! Wanna take a look at this?” One of the rangers called out to Ko from the freighter’s boarding ramp. Sparking Ko’s curiosity he made his way over to the ship. Stepping inside the neutralizing aura of the ship’s “cargo” was even more profound. Making Ko’s vision far more blurry. Still able to see enough to avoid any obstacles but not enough to perceive things clearly or in detail. Inside the freighter’s cargo hold were large rectangular blocks stacked atop and packed rather neatly to be space efficient. Stepping closer to one of the large blocks Ko ran his clawed hand across it. It had a bumpy texture until he felt what seemed to be a sculpture. The sculpture of an angry beast.
It made Ko’s heart sink. It was vornkser, multiple of them trapped together within a block of solid carbonite. Ko figured they were being smuggled to sell to rare animal collectors or more militant groups and individuals who would seek to use their abilities to hunt people much like himself. Now he found them stuffed together into solid mass just to make transporting them easier. Ko couldn’t tell if that was a mercy or not to the animals. Keeping them unaware of the journey from their homes. If not for the carbonite then they would likely be going rabbid about now over Ko’s presence. Sensing his connection to The Force and trying to eat him.
Another large stack of carbonite was full of ysalamiri. Still attached to the branches they were likely found connected to. Their purpose was even more clear to the Jedi. Possibly one of the most abused and exploited species in the galaxy for their ability to naturally neutralize anyone’s abilities to influence The Force.
Ko noticed some other large containers and spoke up. “What about these ones, what do they contain?”
“Lumber, evidence suggests they are likely from Olbio Trees. Harvested from Myrkr like the animals here.” One of the Ranger’s around Ko answered.
“Lumber, but no living trees… the fools. These ysalamiri won’t live for very long once they’re thawed. Unless they have live trees or nutrient packs ready they’ll all starve to death. Maybe… they could be trying to harvest the mandalorian iron from the lumber.”
“You can do that?” One of the rangers asked.
“Not really as far as I’m aware, they contain a high amount of beskar. But I don’t think it’s enough to do anything with. You’d probably need to clear an entire forest to get anything out of it. But I’m sure they can find someone rich enough, and dumb enough to sell all this wood to. Thinking they can make themselves a suit of mandalorian armor with it. But I’m really just speculating.” Ko explained, sharing his logic and reasoning for why they have crates full of Olbio lumber.
For the nature loving Jedi this was all rather depressing. It pained him to know how much these poor lizards were exploited for their natural talents by the unjust pits of The Galaxy. Either smuggled off world to be weaponized or bred and cloned to serve the same purpose. Ko felt like something needed to change. Just for the sake of these innocent creatures.